Včera jsme potkali naši tetu.
We met our aunt yesterday.
Jeho přátelé se neučili matematiku.
His friends didn't learn Maths. / weren't learning
Co jsi dělal předevčírem?
What did you do the day before yesterday? (were doing)
Napište 3 tvary: krást
steal stole stolen
Když se probudil, snídala.
When he woke up, she was having breakfast.
V pátek jsem potkal svoji sousedku.
Yesterday I met my neighbour.
Ale ten křeček nesmrděl.
But the hamster didn't smell bad.
S kým ses potkal?
Napište 3 tvary: ležet
lie lay lain
Když jsem přišel na večírek, Martin právě odcházel.
When I arrived at the party, Martin was just leaving.
Psal odpověď, když přišel učitel.
He was writing an answer when the teacher came.
Neplavala, když skočil do vody.
She wasn't swimming when he jumped in the water.
Kolikrát jsi jí políbil?
How many times did you kiss her?
Napište 3 tvary: myslet
think thought thought
Na co ses díval v TV, když přišla?
What were you watching on TV when she came?
Běžela do práce, když uslyšela výstřel.
She was running to work when she hear the shot.
Nevařili jsme večeři, když zazvonil telefon.
We weren't cooking dinner when the phone rang.
Kde jste se spolu flákali?
Where were you hanging out together?
Napište 3 tvary: bojovat
fight fought fought
Ležel na podlaze, když ho našli.
He was lying on the floor when they found him.
Mysleli si, že tam byla.
They thought that she was there.
Letadlo neletělo do Řecka, když narazilo.
The plane wasn't flying to Greece when it crashed.
Kam jsi to tenkrát šel?
Where were you going the other day?
Napište 3 tvary: zametat
sweep swept swept
Když se nedívala, vzal si peníze.
When she wasn't looking, he took money.