Past Simple
Past Simple or Continuous?
Past Simple or Past Continuous? 2
Past Simple or Past Continuous 3
Yesterday, Neal's dog____(run) after his girlfriend.
Yesterday, Neal's dog ran after his girlfriend.

While you_____(tell) that story, I_____ (fall) asleep on the couch.

While you were telling that story, I fell asleep on the couch.

The doorbell____(ring) while I_____(take) a shower.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a shower.

When I _____ (type) my report, the electricity _____ (go) off.

When I was typing my report, the electricity went off.


Ada ____ (ride) her bicycle 5 kilometers yesterday. She ___ (be) really tired afterwards.

Ada rode her bicycle 5 kilometres yesterday. She was really tired afterwards.

Jane ____(teach) Vanessa how to bake a cake yesterday.
Jane taught Vanessa how to bake a cake yesterday.
I _______(study) while my mum ________(watch) TV last night.
I was studying while my mum was watching TV last night.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis  _____ (fall) while they ______ (dance).

Mr. and Mrs. David fell while they were dancing.


Tim ____ (meet) his new neighbour while he _____ (walk) with his friend last night.

Tim met his new neighbour while he was walking with his friend last night.


Emily ____ (paint) her room green because it_____(to be) her favorite colour.

Emiy painted her room green because it's her favorite colour.

Anna _____ (go) to Madrid last month. She _____ (cut) her foot on the beach and _____ (have) to get stitches.
Anna went to Madrid last month. She cut her foot on the beach and had to get stitches.

His dog_____(bark) while we _____(play) in a yard.

His dog was barking while we were playing in a yard.

Joseph_____(drive) too fast when he____(have) a car accident.
Joseph was driving too fast when he had a car accident.

Joseph _____ (study) yesterday when suddenly his uncle _____ (call) him.

Joseph was studying yesterday when suddenly his uncle called him.


Michael _____ (can not) watch the film last night because he ____ (come) very late.

Michael couln't watch the film last night because he came very late.


Alexis ____ (feel) bad yesterday because she didn't ____ (pass) her exam well.

Alexis felt bad yesterday because she didn't pass her exam well.


While Sara ______ (read), Amy_____ (switch) off the TV.

While Sarah was reading, Amy switched off the TV.


I _____ (listen) to music, so I _____ (not hear) the fire alarm.

I was listening to music, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.

He _____ (lose) his wallet while he _____ (jog) in the park.
He lost his wallet while he was jogging in the park.
My husband _______ (cook) dinner yesterday when the fire _________(start).
My husband was cooking dinner yesterday when the fire started.

Last night, my football team _____ (lose) the game by 1 point. Because of that I _____ (to be) really upset.

Last night, my football team lost the game by 1 point. Because of that I was really upset.


____ you _____ (listen) while he ______ (talk)?

Were you listening while he was talking?


My sister ____ (buy) new T-shirt when she ______ (do) shopping.

My sister bought new T-shirt when she was doing shopping.


When she ____ (cook), the telephone ______ (ring) and she _______ (run) to take the phone.

When she was cooking, the telephone rang and she ran to take the phone.


Last night at 10 p.m., Mary _______(talk) to her boyfriend, and i ________ (clean) the house.

Last night at 10 p.m., Mary was talking to her boyfriend, and i was cleaning the house.