Past Simple
Past Continuous
Past Simple-Past Continuous 1
Past Simple-Past Continuous 2

Yesterday, Neal's dog____(run) after his girlfriend.

Yesterday, Neal's dog ran after his girlfriend.

While you_____(tell) that scary story, I_____(sleep) on the couch.
While you were telling that scary story, I was sleeping on the couch.
The doorbell____(ring) while I_____(take) a shower.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a shower.
While I _____ (type) my report, the electricity _____ (go) off.
While I was typing my report, the electricity went off.

I’m often used to transport people quickly through the sky, but I don’t need roads. What am I?

An airplane

Jane ____(teach) Vanessa how to bake a cake yesterday.
Jane taught Vanessa how to bake a cake yesterday.
I _______(study) while my mum ________(watch) TV last night.
I was studying while my mum was watching TV last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis ______ (trip) and _____ (fall) while they ______ (dance).
Mr. and Mrs. David tripped and fell while they were dancing.
Timothy ____ (get) a black eye while he _____ (fight) with his girlfriend last night.
Timothy got a black eye while he was fighting with his girlfriend last night.

I come to take you where you need to go,

But if you’re not quick, you’ll see me go.

You run to catch me, but it’s too late,

What do you call it when I make you wait?

Emiy painted her room green because it's her favorite colour.

Anna _____ (go) to Madrid last month. She _____ (cut) her foot on the beach and _____ (have) to get stitches.
Anna went to Madrid last month. She cut her foot on the beach and had to get stitches.
His dog_____(bark) while he_____(whistle) a song.
His dog was barking while he whistling a song.
Joseph_____(drive) too fast when he____(have) a car accident.
Joseph was driving too fast when he had a car accident.
Joseph _____ (study) yesterday when suddenly his cat _____ (die).
Joseph was studying yesterday when suddenly his cat died.

I slow you down when you’re in a rush,

You have to wait, there’s no need to fuss.

Plans must change, I get in the way,

What am I, making you wait today?


Alexis ____ (feel) bad yesterday because she didn't ____ (teach) well.
Alexis felt bad yesterday because she didn't teach well.
While Sara ______ (read), Amy_____ (watch) TV.
While Sarah was reading, Amy was watching TV.
I _____ (listen) to my iPod, so I _____ (not hear) the fire alarm.
I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
He _____ (lose) his wallet while he _____ (jog) in the park.
He lost his wallet while he was jogging in the park.

I stand by the road with my thumb in the air,

Hoping for a ride to take me somewhere.

No ticket I need, no bus or train,

Just a stranger’s car to ease my pain.

What am I trying to do?


Last night, my football team _____ (lose) the game by 1 point. Because I was sad, I ______ (drink) too much soju.
Last night, my soccer team lost the game by 1 point. Because I was sad, I drank too much soju.
_____ you _____ (listen) while he ______ (talk)?
Were you listening while he was talking?
My sister ____ (rip) her trousers while she ______ (exercise).
My sister ripped her trousers while she was exercising.
While she ____ (cook), the telephone ______ (ring).
While she was cooking, the telephone rang.

I travel slow, with no wheels to spin,

No engine to roar, no pedals to win.

Through paths and streets, I take my stride,

No need for a car to get me inside.

How do I move without a machine?

On foot