Past Simple
Past Continuous
Past Simple-Past Continuous
Yesterday, Neal's dog____(run) after his girlfriend.
Yesterday, Neal's dog ran after his girlfriend.

When you ____ _____(tell) that scary story, I ___ _____(hide) under the sofa.

When you were telling that scary story, I was hiding under the sofa.

The doorbell____(ring) while I_____(take) a shower.
The doorbell rang while I was taking a shower.

While she _____(cook) the telephone ____ (ring).

While she was cooking, the telephone rang.


Danielle ____ (ride) her bicycle 5 kilometres yesterday. She ___ (be) really tired afterwards.

Danielle rode her bicycle 5 kilometres yesterday. She was really tired afterwards.


Jane ____(teach) Vanessa how to cook a pie, but she____(burn) two yesterday.

Jane taught Vanessa how to cook a pie, but she BURNT two yesterday.


I don't care what you____ ____ (do), I want to know why Natalie ____ _____(steal) my makeup.

I don't care what you were doing, I want to know why she was stealing my makeup.


Mr. and Mrs. Davis ______ (trip) and _____ (fall) while they ______ (dance).

Mr. and Mrs. David tripped and fell while they were dancing.


Timothy ____ (get) a black eye while he _____ (fight) with his girlfriend last night.

Timothy got a black eye while he was fighting with his girlfriend last night.


Emily ____ (paint) her room green because it's her favourite colour. However her Mum _____(hate) it.

Emily painted her room green because it's her favourite colour. However her Mum hated it.


Dan ____ (feel) bad yesterday because he ____(mark) all of his students absent.

Dan FELT bad yesterday because he MARKED all of his students absent.


His dog ____ ____(bark) while he ___ _____(whistle) a song.

His dog was barking while he was whistling a song.


Joseph _______(drive) too fast, that's why he____(have) a car accident.

Joseph was driving too fast, that's why he had a car accident.


Joseph _____ (feed) his fish yesterday when the cat ____ (eat) it.

Joseph was feeding his fish yesterday when the cat ate it.


Alex _____ (fall) asleep in class today because he ____ (is) tired. He ____ (go) to Ms Collins last night.

Alex fell asleep in class today because he was tired. He went to Ms Collins last night.


Sophie _____ (go) to Melbourne last month. She _____ (cut) her foot on the beach and _____ (have) to get stitches.

Sophie went to Melbourne last month. She cut her foot on the beach and had to get stitches.


While Sarah _____ ______ (read), Kristen ____ _____ (watch) TV and Tony ____ _____ (play) a computer game.

While Sarah was reading, Kristen was watching TV and Tony was playing a computer game.


I _____ (listen) to my iPod, so I _____ (not hear) the fire alarm.

I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.


He _____ (lose) his wallet while he _____ (jog) in the park.

He lost his wallet while he was jogging in the park.


When I got home my wife  _______ (cook) dinner. The food ______ ____ (burn) but I ____ say anything.

When I got home my wife cooked dinner. The food was burnt but I didn't say anything.


Last night, my football team _____  the game by 1 goal. Because I was sad, I ______  lots of beer. After I ____  beer I ____ over and hit my head.

Last night, my football team LOST the game by 1 goal. Because I was sad, I DRANK too much beer. After I DRUNK beer I FELL over and hit my head.


_____ you _____ (listen) while he ____ _____ ?

Were you listening while he was talking?


My sister ______ (rip) her pants while she ______ (exercise) and everyone ________ (laugh).

My sister ripped her pants while she was exercising.


Manchester City _______ (win) the game when Arsenal _____ (score) a goal. After the match Arsenal _____ (win) the trophy.

The best Arsenal player is B_____ S_____

Manchester City were winning the game when Arsenal scored a goal. After the match Arsenal won the trophy.

The best Arsenal player is Bukayo Saka.


Last night at 10 p.m., Danielle _______(talk) to her boyfriend on the phone. They ______ (argue) so Danielle ____ (end) the call.

Last night at 10 p.m., Danielle was talking to her boyfriend on the phone. They were arguing so Danielle ended the call.