Regular Verbs (-ed ending)
Irregular Verbs
Answer the Past Tense Question
Find the Mistake

Make a few sentences in the past tense about this picture. You should you the verb: kissed


Many answers, example: It was a cold and sunny day in Antarctica when Tom the penguin met Patty penguin on the way to fish. They hadn't seen each other for a long time so they kissed each other to show their love.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: flew

Many answers, example: The two friends were shocked when they were driving their new car and saw a button they never saw before. It was red and said rocket flight. They decided to press the button and the next thing they knew they were in space. They flew through past many planets like a rocket.


Where did you go last weekend?

Last weekend I went to.......


I did not ate my breakfast today, so I am really hungry.

I did not eat my breakfast today, so I am really hungry.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: talked


Many answers, example: While watching TV last night the program was stopped for breaking news. The news reporter talked about a Bigfoot sighting and even had a video! It was wild.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: was

Many answers, example: He was walking home when he realized he forgot his phone at his sister's house, so he stepped into a pay phone. When the door closed he saw his wallet on the ground. He tried to open the door, but it was stuck. He was so scared, he started to bang the door like a crazy person.


What did you do yesterday afternoon?

Example: I read and worked yesterday afternoon.


Last week my family and I go to a new park. It was amazing!

Last week my family and I went to a new park. It was amazing!


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verbs: played & won

Many answers, example: It was the championship game and they were down 56- 25 at half time. After half-time, the top play, number zero, came out and played the game of his life. He played so well he really won the game for his team.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: ate

Many answers, example: It was the time of dinosaurs and this little baby lost its mom. He was so sad until he found a huge leaf for breakfast. He ate it quickly and then started to look for his mom again.


When was the last time you hiked a mountain?

The last time I hiked a mountain was.......


There are no sandwiches left at this restaurant, so we went to the sandwich shop across the street.

There were no sandwiches left at this restaurant, so we went to the sandwich shop across the street.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: went & climbed

Many answers: Last weekend I went to my friend's house and he lives on the edge of the forest. We spend the day running through the forest and playing. My friend climbed this tree and he got stuck. I had to run home and get his parents to help.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: rang & ran


Many answers, example: When they were all talking a math test the fire bell rang at the school. They all got scared and ran out of the school.


What did you like best about today?

I liked..... the best.


It was a dark and stormy night when we arrive at the cabin. I was scared until we turned the lights on.

It was a dark and stormy night when we arrived at the cabin. I was scared until we turned the lights on.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: bounced & were

Many answers, example: During the war they traveled a lot by jeep, but many roads were terrible because of the fighting. Many jeeps bounced up and down on the bad roads and broke.


Make few sentences in the simple past tense sentence about this image below, you must use the verb: drank & sat


Many answers, example: I went to a new doggie coffee shop last week and I saw so many cute dogs. My favorite one was this little white dog who sat in a baby chair. His owners got him a doggie latte and he drank it all.


What was your favorite food when you were a little kid?

My favorite food was.... when I was a little kid.


Did you saw that movie on TV last night? What did you think of it?

Did you saw that movie on TV last night? What did you think of it?