Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple vs Past Perfect Simple and Continuous
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Past Perfect vs Past Simple

When she _______________ (arrive) home, her mother ______________________ (watch) and her father ___________________ (sleep).

 "arrived", "was watching" and "was sleeping"


The pirate _____ (not know) that the prisoner _____ (escape).

didn't know, had escaped


My aunt’s beautiful antique vase broke while I washed it.

Was washing


Her lover _____ (betray) her. In a fit of rage, she _____ (throw) away the letter that she _____(write) 

 Had betrayed, threw, had written.


A letter from him _____ (reach) me, a wild letter which _____ (demand) that I reply by coming to see him. He _____ (write) of an illness of the body, of a sickness of the mind, and of a desire to see me, his best and indeed his only friend.

Had reached, demanded, wrote.


I ____________________(wonder) if you could help me

 "was wondering"


I _____(dream) about a holiday in Greece. I _____ (can) believe it when my husband ______(book) one as a surprise!

Had been dreaming, couldn't, booked


During the phone call, Felicity was asking him to go camping at the weekend.



They _____ (show) me the pictures they _____ (take) during their holidays, but I honestly _____ (not like) them at all.

Showed, had taken, didn't like


Dupin _____ (be) the last member of a well-known family, a family which _____ (once, be) rich and famous; he himself, however, _____ (be) far from rich.

Was, had once been, was.


I had just finished paying for my clock and as I _____ (turn) around, I saw an old lady that _____ (hide) a small box of silverware in her purse.

Turned, was hiding.


Peter _____ (be) Sally's best friend, since he _____ (know) him all her life.

Was, had known


When we chatted in the café, I didn’t notice someone stealing my bag.

Were chatting


When he _____ (wake up) the alarm _____ (go off), so he _____ (be) late to work.

Woke up, had gone off, was.


I _____ (go) to spend several weeks in this house of sadness — this house of gloom. Its owner _____ (name) Roderick Usher. We _____ (be) friends when we were boys; but many years _____ (pass) since our last meeting.

Was going, was named, had been, had passed.


I _____ (watch) a movie on TV when the light suddenly _____ (go) out.

Was watching, went.


When the search _____ (begin), the girl _____ (miss) for two days and nobody _____ (have) news of her.

Began, had been missing, had had.


My dad didn’t used to have dinner with us very often because he worked long hours.

Didn't use


We _____ (never, think) that he would dare to do such thing.

Had never thought.


The Red death _____ (feed) on the country. No sickness _____ (ever, be) so deadly — so great a killer — or so fearful to see. Blood _____ (be) its mark; there were sharp pains, and a sudden feeling that the mind _____ (rush) in circles inside the head.

Had been feeding, had ever been, was, was rushing/rushed.


While I _____ (study) for my exam, my brother _____ (break) in screaming. He _____ (cry) because he had hit his head on the counter, so I _____ (have) to soothe him down.

Was studying, broke, was crying, had.

 I _____(wait) for hours so I _____ (decide) to go for a coffee, but by the time I _____ (come) back the bus _____ (already, leave).

Had been waiting, decided, came, had already left.


When Nick arrived at the party it was late and most of the guests went home.

Had gone

If I _____ (not arrive) in time, the bus would have left without me.

Hadn't arrived


It _____(rain) and the pavement _____(cover) with puddles, so when he _____(try) to run to catch the bus he _____ (slip) and_____ (fall).

Had been raining, was covered, tried, slipped, fell