This term describes the ability to be independent of external factors to feel happy, as discussed in Vedanta
What is freedom?
According to the text, this is what all of us are really seeking in life.
What is happiness?
This acronym represents the three levels of our being that interact with the world to create experiences.
What is BMI?
Material growth is attributed to this.
What is Standard of Living?
Chapter 6 introduces this concept of the potential within us all to propel change.
What is energy?
According to the text, true freedom is built upon this concept, which involves making choices that are beneficial, not just what one wants to do.
What is intelligent self-restraint?
True happiness, as opposed to temporary happiness, comes from here.
What is a quiet and peaceful mind?
According to the text, this is what the Jeeva becomes when it identifies with the body.
What is the Perceiver?
The society grows peaceful and wholesome when this is established
What is Standard of Life?
This term refers to the Dexterity in our Action.
What is Yoga?
The book suggests that instead of trying to fix the world, we should focus on fixing this first.
What is the mind?
This is what agitates the mind and prevents us from experiencing true happiness, according to the text.
What is desire?
This is the term for the flow of emotions and feelings, which is one aspect of our identity.
What is the mind?
According to the text, this is the path of the pleasant that we should avoid when we have to make a choice.
What is Preyas?
This generates energy and dynamism within us.
What is a higher ideal?
They help perfect our personality if we apply the art of right contact
This formula measures happiness
What is ?
number of desires fulfilled
Happiness = ------------------------------------
number of desires entertained
This is described as the navigation system, or the rational decision making faculty, that provides guidance to the mind.
What is the intellect?
This is the path of the good that should be followed, which is aligned with our goal of spiritual evolution.
What is Shreyas?
These are the ways energy is lost, sapping our confidence and courage.
What are regrets about the dead past, anxieties of the future and excitements of the present?
This practice, when done regularly can change your mindset instantly.
What is gratitude?
The text says that to make the mind quieter, desires should be changed from this to this.
What is from selfish to selfless?
In the BMI model, this is the 'doer', 'experiencer', and functioning ego.
What is the Jeeva?
This acronym is a guide to help us make the right choice.
What is SMILE?
S - Shreyas - Good Choice
M - Most People are helped
I - Intellectually guided
L - Long Term
E - Evolve towards the goal
This value is related to channeling energy, meaning we have compassion for ourselves and others and choose ideals bigger than ourselves.
What is Ahimsa?