Relapse Prevention
Recovery-Focused Aphorisms
All the T's (Therapies)

This is the term for: The process of understanding emotional, cognitive, and behavioral processes and triggers that would heighten behaviors. Understanding yourself and what measures are needed to put into place in order to prevent maladaptive coping mechanisms, behaviors, or symptoms.

Relapse Prevention =)


True or false: My meal plan is prescriptive, and throughout my recovery, my RD/nutritionist may recommend we "adjust my dose" based on any changing physiological/nutritional needs.

True! Your meal plan is medical nutritional therapy and serves a very real, important purpose in healing from a serious, life-threatening medical condition. It is a valuable tool in your recovery and it may change throughout your journey!


Another way of saying: You can nourish your body with a variety of foods and without exception.

All foods fit.


CBT: When would you use reframing?

Use when you're ruminating and/or need to challenge a thought.


What is an example of an unhealthy boundary?

Not having boundaries, telling all to anyone and everyone (especially telling all to everyone except who needs to hear it), speaking on a intimate level on the first meeting, falling in love with a new acquaintance, being obsessed with a person, going against your person rights and/or values to please another person, taking as much as you can get for the sake of taking (goes the same for giving), allowing others to take as much as they can from you, letting others define you, believing others can anticipate your needs, falling apart so someone will take care of you, touching others without asking, abusing others


What do we call an unhelpful behavior that is utilized to work through intolerable distress?

An ineffective coping skill, a maladaptive coping skill, ED behaviors


60% of your brain tissue is made of this nutrient.



This phrase reminds you that because of all you've been through, you have proof of your resilience for your recovery.

You survived the trauma. You can survive the healing.


DBT: What are the TIPP Skills? And when would you use them?

T- Temperature

I- Intense

P- Paired Muscle Relaxation

P- Paced Breathing

To cope with big feels.


This cognitive bias can result in us justifying our suffering through painting ourselves negatively or minimizing our suffering altogether. For example, thinking "bad things happen to bad people. So that bad thing that happened to me is because I am a bad person."

What is the Just-World hypothesis?


These are signs that let you know the following: if behaviors are recovery-focused, warning signs, or a potential lapse/relapse.

Green, yellow, and red flags, respectively.


What is the nutritional difference between fresh and frozen produce?

There is no significant difference! Frozen produce is harvested at peak ripeness, so in some studies it has a greater concentration of nutrients, but the difference is negligible.


This phase challenges the unrealistic expectation of making quantifiable improvements in your recovery every single day.

Recovery isn't linear.


CBT: This practice is confronting fears, phobias, and other uncomfortable, anxiety-inducing or scary things and practicing coping with them in the moment. Eventually, you will begin to feel less vulnerable and more sure in your ability to cope with and survive the scary/hard things.

Therapeutic exposures.


The following is Brene Brown's definition for this term: "The ability to recognize shame when we are experiencing it and move through it in a constructive way that allows us to maintain our authenticity and grow from our experiences."

Shame Resilience


Intuitive eating can be inaccessible in recovery as the internal systems that give rise to intuition are dysfunctional/broken due to habitual ED behavior use. While these systems heal, we practice conscious eating.

Conscious eating is eating in a way that is ________, __________, and ___________.

on purpose/intentional, planned, and structured.


The 4 types of hunger are...

1) Physical

2) Taste

3) Practical

4) Emotional


This phrase helps your healthy self challenge ED thoughts regarding weight restoration and intake/meal plan stuff during recovery.

If your body changes while it is well-nourished, it means it is supposed to.


ACT: What are the components of the hexaflex?

Contact with the present moment, Values, Committed action, Self as context, Cognitive defusion, Experiential acceptance.


This cognitive distortion is hearing about a problem and jumping to the what ifs and/or expecting disaster



What are vulnerability factors?

Vulnerability factors happen before the precipitating event. They are the things that make you more vulnerable to a prompting event or problematic chain. For example, lack of sleep or getting a stomach bug. 


Identify your nutritional priorities! =)

Adequacy, balance, variety, flexibility, enjoyment


This is an unshakable truth for when you feel like there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel in your recovery and/or you don't think you're good enough for it.

Recovery is possible. And you deserve it.


DBT: What is "DEAR MAN"? And how do you use it?

D- Describe

E- Express

A- Assert

R- Reinforce

M- Mindfully

A- Appear Confident

N- Negotiate

How to approach a difficult conversation to have your needs met.


These are the unfolding effects of a behavior. For example, you spend all of your money on clothes and now cannot afford to pay rent. 

What are natural consequences?