The blue in pathfinder emblem represents.......
In what year did the Pathinder club orginated a) 1970
b) 1917 or c) 1907
c) 1907 (Initally called the Missionary Volunteer Society)
Oh, we are the Pathfinders _____________
How can a pathfinder be pure, kind, true, servant of God and a friend to man etc?
By the grace of God
1 John 1:19 If we confess our sins .........
"He is faithful and just and will forgive us sins and purify us from all unrighteousness"
The shield in the Pathfinder emblem represents
Protection (Genesis 15.1)
How many pathfinder members do we have approximately world-wide?
2 million approx.
The ______________ of God are we
How many laws are their in the pathfinder Law?
Roman 6:23 For the wages of sin a death, but___________________________________
"The gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord"
The three sides of the pathfinder emblem/logo represents
The completness of the Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Ghost
How many classes do we have? Double points if you can name them
Six classes: Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager, Guide
A ____________ that will set us free!
The first pathfinder Law
Keep the morning watch
John 15:12 My comand is this "Love each other
"As I have loved you"
The sword in the pathfinder emblem/logo represents
The Bible (Ephensians 6:17)
At what age can you join pathfinders?
10 years old
Who is King Jesus the Saviour is coming back for?
For you and me
The last Pathfinder Law
Go on God's errand.
Ephesians 6:1, 2 Children _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ ______ ____ _____ etc.
"Obey your parents IN THE LORD for the Lord . Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise"
The colour red in the Pathfinder club emblems stands for
Sacrifice (John 3:16)
Bonus points if you can recite the text
Name two orginators of the Pathfinders Ministry
Flora Plummer and Milton Kern
What is the name of the person who wrote the Pathfinder song?
Henry T Bergh (1949)
The forth Pathfinder Law
Keep a level eye
Luke 2:52 " And Jesus increased _____________"
"In wisdome and stature and int favour with God and man"