Data Collection
Contrive Vs Capture
Client Specific

When should you record data?

in the moment, immediately after behavior has occurred, during session, etc


when you create an opportunity to run a goal it is also called ____



PaEn: Name 1 behavior we are targeting for reduction 

physical aggression, SIB, spitting, stealing

name 3 PCM procedures 

wrist tricep, walk with me, prone, sunday stroll, one-arm wrap around, back, etc


name 2 ways in which we collect data

frequency, percent correct, percent independence, rate, duration, rating scale, score, time sampling


When you catch a teaching opportunity in the moment it is called



ViTa: for his activity engagement goal, how long is he expected to attend to the activity?

5 minutes


for clients who engage in SIB, what should you always have on hand?

block pad


what data collection system do we use for goals like washing hands?

a task analysis 


Give 1 example of how to contrive an opportunity for 1-step instruction in the community



ErBa: which hygiene task are we targeting? how many steps are we targeting for following instructions?

washing hands; 2-step instructions


Name 1 antecedent strategy to use to avoid escape maintained behaviors

"first/then", priming, visual timers, visual schedules, etc

what data collection system do we use for goals like following 1-step instructions?

percent correct, percent independence 


While out in the community, how can you contrive opportunities for the stop sign program?



KeMa: which behavior for reduction did we start tracking in August?



If a client is engaging in an attention-seeking behavior, what should you avoid providing?

attention, verbal reprimands, etc

Name 2 reasons why we should take consistent data:

so the data is accurate, so we are not targeting an unnecessary goal, to see valid progress or regression, etc 


While out in the community, how could you run the sustained attention programs? Name 1 way



AnLe: model her requesting for drink program

1. Make sure that item that will be requested is readily available. 

2. Before presenting a preferred drink (i.e, DRINK), prompt  the correct sign for  drink using a FULL PHYSICAL PROMPT ( e.,g cup her hand and motion towards her chin area).

3. Then allow Andrea 5 seconds to independently imitate the correct response for drink with no prompts ( e.g if she cups her hand towards her chin, to her mouth area independently).

4. If she independently emits the correct response OR close approximations to the correct response( e.,g If she cups her hand, places her hand towards her mouth), provide high value praise along with the drink

 4. If she does not independently respond within five seconds, immediately use a full physical prompt to emit the correct response and  say "drink" and  provide her the drink.


what is the name of something that is likely to increase the occurance of a behavior?

a reinforcer