New Testament Books
Camping Skills
Knot Tying
Pathfinder Emblem
Spiritual Discovery


What is the book of prophecy?


Don't panic, Pray, Stay where you are, Look around, and if you have a whistle blow it

What are things to do when lost?


This can be used to join two ropes together. Generally, it works best with two ropes of the same diameter, and should not be used to hold a heavy load.

What is a square knot?


Completeness of the Trinity - the Father, Son, Holy Spirit

What does the three sides represent?


This person is a Baptist preacher who is widely regarded as one of the founding members of the Adventist faith.  He interpreted Biblical prophecy of the Second Coming.

Who is William Miller?






What books are in the Gospels?


Wind, Water, Weather, Wild things, Wood, Willingness

What are the six W's for the selection of a good campsite?


This knot is excellent for joining two ropes together, especially if the two ropes are not the same size.  When tied properly, it will not come undone, and it is easy to untie.  It is very similar to the bowline.

What is the sheet bend?


This color reminds us of the shed blood of Christ (Sacrifice)

What is the color Red?


In 1901 while in Battle Creek, she accepted a call for a missionary service in India. She became the first African-American female Seventh-day Adventist missionary sent anywhere and also the first black woman to be sent to India by a mission board of any denomination. 

Who is Anna Knight?


- Gospels

- History

- Letters

- Prophecy

What are the four areas into which the books are grouped?


You can use a flint. You can use a curved glass.

You can use friction.  You can use a metal match.

You can use an electric spark.  You can use compressed air.

What are six ways to start a fire without a match?


This knot doesn't jam or slip when tied properly.  It can be tied around a person's waist and used to lift him, because the loop will not tighten under load. 

What is the bowline?


This color represents loyalty to our God in heaven, our parents and our church

What is the color Blue?


- Holy Scriptures - Trinity - Father - Son - Holy Spirit - Creation - Nature of Man - Great Controversy - Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ - Lord's Supper - Marriage and the Family - Experience of Salvation - Spiritual Gifts and Ministries - Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary - Growing in Christ - The Gift of Prophecy - Second Coming of Christ - Church - law of God - Remnant and its Mission - Sabbath - Death and Resurrection - Unity in the Body of Christ - Stewardship - Millennium and the End of Sin - Baptism - Christian Behavior - New Earth

What are the 28 fundamental beliefs?


There are 21 books

How many books are in the Letters?


You can use wood from conifers (pine, fir, spruce, etc) that contains a lot of highly flammable sap.

What is the best wood suited for making a quick, hot fire?


This can be used to shorten a rope (without cutting it!). It can also be used to take up the slack in a rope.

What is the sheepshank?


God's protection of His people

What is the shield?


This event took place on November 1, 1755. It destroyed nearly all the important churches in the city, leading people to turn to the Bible for an explanation.

What is the Earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal?


This book is after Titus and before Hebrews

What is Philemon?


You can do this by boiling, adding iodine, adding chlorine, filtering

What are different methods of purifying water?


This can be used for joining large diameter ropes or hawsers.  It can also be formed into a decorative knot like a lanyard knot or a mat.  It also looks like a pretzel.

What is the Carrick Bend?


The purity and righteousness of Christ's life in our lives

What does the color White represent?


He is an american seaman and revivalist minister who was also the founder and developer of Sabbatarian Adventism.

Who is Joseph Bates?