Sophia's homeland
What is Peru?
Twinkle twinke little star, ____
How I wonder what you are.
The guiding motto
What is "Be Prepared"?
What is autumn/fall?
A marshmallow surrounded by chocolate and gram crackers
What is a s'more?
Penny's last name
What is 'Brindle'?
The butterflies fly away
What is Embers?
Price per box of cookies
What is $6/box?
What cookies are called in England
What is August?
Baby you light up my world like nobody else _____
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
WAGGGS stands for...
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
You need ____ hours of volunteering to earn the Canada Cord
What is 15?
Two ingredients of a marshmallow
What are sugar, water, gelatin, and corn syrup?
Samantha & Leona's older sister's name.
What is 'Thea'?
I don't wanna feel how I did last night
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
What is the guiding law?
be honest and trustworthy, use my resources wisely, respect myself and others, recognize and use my talents and abilities, protect our common environment, live with courage and strength, share in the sisterhood of Guiding.
Canadian soldiers were given boxes of Girl Guide cookies during the Gulf war in ___
What is 1991?
A tasty food that comes from the sap of trees.
What is maple syrup?
Maddie's school
West Ridge
Yeah the paint could peel,
the glass could shatter
Girl Guides started in...
When is 1909?
Highest award for a Ranger.
What is the Trailblazer Leadership Award?
Cotton candy was invented this year
When is 1897?