Cardiovascular Basics
Stroke and Seizures
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Neurological Conditions
Heart Failure and Related Conditions

This type of cholesterol is known as "good cholesterol" and is thought to have cardiac protective effects.

What is HDL


This warning sign of a stroke involves facial drooping and difficulty speaking.

What is F.A.S.T 


This disorder involves backward flow of gastric contents into the esophagus due to a malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter.

What is GERD?


This type of seizure affects only one side of the body.

What is a focal seizure?


This type of heart failure symptom includes shortness of breath and pink, frothy sputum.

What is left-sided heart failure?


The pacemaker of the heart, responsible for initiating the heartbeat.

What is SA node 


This type of stroke is caused by bleeding in the brain due to a ruptured blood vessel

What is hemorrhagic stroke


This liver condition is often caused by alcohol abuse and presents with jaundice, ascites, and increased bruising.

What is cirrhosis?


This type of stroke is due to a blockage of blood flow to the brain, often caused by a blood clot.

What is an ischemic stroke?


This type of heart failure symptom involves jugular vein distention and peripheral edema.

What is right-sided heart failure?


This term describes the relaxation phase of the heart when it fills with blood.

What is diastole


This seizure type may present as staring into space and is often called "petit mal."

What is an absence seizure?


The cause of peptic ulcer disease often involves this bacterium.

What is Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)?


The classic triad of symptoms for this disease includes shuffling gait, pill rolling tremor, and flat affect.

What is Parkinson's disease?


This term describes the increase in cardiac output that may occur due to the activation of the RAAS system.

What is fluid reabsorption?


This factor may increase blood pressure by activating the sympathetic nervous system and increasing blood volume.

What is RAAS activation


This disease is characterized by demyelination of the myelin sheath and presents with weakness and paresthesia.

What is multiple sclerosis


This disease presents with severe generalized pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.

What is appendicitis?


This condition involves demyelination and scar tissue deposits on axons, leading to weakness and numbness.

What is multiple sclerosis?


This term describes a defect in the heart’s valve that prevents proper closure or opening, causing regurgitation or stenosis.

What is valvular defect?


This condition is characterized by a blockage of blood flow to the myocardium, which can result in ischemia.

What is myocardial infarction


This sign of meningitis involves pain in the back of the neck when the head is lifted.

What is Kernig's sign


This gastrointestinal condition is characterized by diarrhea with a cobblestone appearance and skin lesions.

What is Crohn’s disease?


This neurological disorder involves involuntary muscle contractions and is often associated with an aura.

What is a generalized seizure?


This term describes a condition where the heart muscle becomes thickened and enlarged due to increased workload.

What is hypertrophy?