It allows transmitting knowledge and learning among human beings.
Have their site in the brain.
Process of coding and decoding of language in a communication
Are the object of study of logic.
Argumentation and arguments
-You are you.
-The square is a square is not a circle.
Example of ...
Principle of identify
This fallacy is used when it is intented to offer the ignorance of something as an explanation to evade responsability.
Appeal to ignorance
Always refer to the biological purposes of the species.
Animal languages
Mental process that occurs due to intellect and rationality.
Is considered a formal science, enunciating them in the form of rules.
Today it is cloudy or not cloudy.
Principle of Excluded Middle
Referring to any condition of the person who issues an opinion and ignoring the content of what he says.
Attack to the person
Is the mental process through which some particular qualities of an object are mentally separated to focus on specific common characteristics.
Elements that make up the structure of thought.
Concept, judgment and reasoning
Reasoning by which an idea is demonstrated or justified.
Where is the subject of the conclusion or Minor Term.
Minor Premiss
It happens when we seek to support our arguments in popular opinions and not because of the confidence they are right.
Appeal to popularity fallacy
Science responsable for the specialized study of human language.
Mental representation of an object
Propositions that offer reasons, justify and lead to the conclusion.
Relation between S and P is established.
In making an argument, one of the premises is again and again established as a conclusion.
Petition of principle
Make it possible for us to choose which of our thoughts to share, how to interact, and at what time.
Communicative capacity and our language learning
Consists of the formulation of a law or a general conclusion based on the observation of particular facts or cases.
Inductive reasoning
General proposition followed by the premisses.
Types of propositions or judgments.
Defined fallacies as arguments that, while incorrect, can be psychologically persuasive.
Irving Copi