High School
Technical Education
Community College
4 Year Colleges/Universities
Fun Facts
What is the year we will graduate from high school?
Triangle Tech has 6 campuses: Erie, Pittsburgh, Dubois, Sunbury, Greensburg, and Bethlehem. What campus is closest to our area?
What is the Bethlehem campus.
What is the number of years a student spends at a community college?
There are often a wide variety of these to choose from when attending a 4 year college or university.
What are athletics and extracurricular activities?
The mascot for Penn State.
What is the Nittany Lion?
Scholarships, grants, work study and student loans are all types of what?
What is Financial Aid?
Active, and hands on.
What are the learning styles are a best fit with technical education schools?
open enrollment
What is the term that describes a community college's admissions policy?
The location of a college's classes, buildings, libraries, dorms, dining halls.
What is campus?
The name of our local county Community College.
What is Montgomery County Community College.
True or False? You should review your grades in middle school to be sure that you will be eligible for the courses you want in high school.
What is True?
Three examples of programs you might find at a technical education school.
What is carpentry, welding, electrical technology, drafting and design, refrigeration / heating/ cooling technology, diesel, automotive technology, marine technology, computer technology, cosmetology, business, etc.
An alternative to taking classes on campus.
What is online classes.
A specific sequence of courses within a specific program of study that one takes to prepare for a career in a specific field.
What is a major?
Science Technology Engineering and Math
What does STEM stand for?
Courses that can be taken in high school for college credit.
What AP classes?
Many technical colleges work with these to provide skills that are in high demand in the job market to students in their programs.
What are local businesses.
Associates of Applied Science (AAS) and Associates of Science (AS) degrees
What are the highest degrees one can earn at a community college?
The name of the test one takes when they are in high school for admissions purposes to a 4 year college or university.
What is SAT or ACT?
The fastest growing Professional careers in Pennsylvania that require a master's and a professional degree.
What are Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Chiropractors, Psychiatrists, Anesthesiologists
Skills needed to have a successful future.
What are communication, team work, organizational, time management, and study skills.
True or False? Technical education schools have relationships with selected universities and colleges so that students can transfer credits to them and receive credit towards a 4 year degree.
What is True.
True or False? Community colleges often have relationships with 4 year colleges and universities in which students can apply their AAS or AS degree towards the first 2 years of a 4 year degree program offered by select 4 year institutions.
What is True?
12, 15, or 18 credits makes this.
What is a full time undergraduate course load.
The fastest growing careers in PA that require a 4 year bachelor's degree.
What are Network Systems Analysts Computer Software Engineers Physician Assistants Graduate Teaching Assistants Biomedical Engineers