Learning Domains
Teaching vs. Nursing Process
Patient Education
Factors Affecting Patient Education
Assessing Learning Needs

What are the 3 learning domains?

What is Cognitive (thinking), Affective (emotion/feeling, and Psychomotor (physical/kinesthetic)?


The nurse learns that the patient's most dominant mode of learning is through watching the task being performed. The nurse understands this is which type of mode of learning?

What is a visual learner?

When does discharge begin?

What is discharge begins on admission?


_____________plays a large role in effective learning. An example is telling the patient "you will get to go home if you learn how to change your ostomy bag."

What is motivation?


In assessing a patient, the nurse finds out what the patient______, what they want and need to learn.

What is what the patient already knows?


Begins with acquiring knowledge, memory, and recall

What is Cognitive?


Implementing concepts is what level of Bloom's Taxonomy?

What is Application?


A type of teaching strategy where the patient repeats in their own words what is important and/or gives a return demonstration?

What is the Teach Back Method?


A nurse assesses that a patient has_________to_______ when the patient starts asking questions about what they have to do to be discharged.

What is readiness to learn?


First the nurse should assess the patient's willingness learn. True or False

What is true?


A patient wants to learn how to do self-breast exams. Which domains of learning are required?

What is Cognitive and Psychomotor?


The first step in the Teaching Learning Process?

What is Assessment? 

-Learner characteristics and learner needs.


For teaching strategies, the nurse understands language should be at or below which reading level?

What is a 5th-grade reading level?


A patient refuses a meal in the hospital. The nurse asks why. The patient states that he cannot eat pork. This is an example of this type of barrier?

What is a cultural barrier?


What are the basic learning principles?

What is Readiness, Motivation to learn, Ability to learn, and Learning environment?


This domain includes values, beliefs, feelings and attitudes.

What is Affective?


What step in the teaching process includes establishing learning objectives stated in behavioral terms. Identifying priorities regarding learning needs. Collaborating with patient about teaching plan. Identifying the type of teaching method(s) to use. 

What is planning outcomes identifications?


While caring for an elderly patient, the Nurse understands what special considerations for teaching?

What is, good lighting, print materials in large print, ensure the patient has on their glasses/hearing aids (if patient needs them), talking slowly in short sentences and pause frequently, try to keep medical terms to a minimum, ensure to ask if they have questions, make sure to state important points at eh beginning and revisit them at the end of the teaching.


What type of learning occurs when a patient listens to a video describing how to take their blood pressure at home?

What is auditory learning?


Assessing someone's reading level by having them read instructions from an educational handout would be an example of?

What is their ability to learn?


Known as the skill domain, uses physical and motor skills.

What is Psychomotor?


What step in the teaching process is the Teach Back method used.

What is Evaluation?


The most appropriate and best time for a Nurse to provide patient education related to the environment.

What is, when there are no interruptions from visitors or medical staff, and the patient is not distracted from pain or any other activity?


What domain is affected when a nurse feels empathy for a patient going through the loss of her baby?

What is the affective domain?


The degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others.

What is Health Literacy?