How can we improve the question "staff's promptness in responding to your requests?"

Example from staff 

Using Scripting "I want to ensure I am prompt in responding to your request of....."


How do patients rate their care at Brooks?

By filling out a patient satisfaction survey upon discharge. We strive for 5's. The rating of 4 is a 75%!


"All nurses were lovely. The people were awesome. I do question your processes. The communication between shifts, staff etc., seemed to need a lot of work. " - nursing section

What could have been differently?


What is the first thing you should do before entering a patients room?


Wait for a response and ask for entry


What are the questions under the nursing section on the patient satisfaction survey? Name at least one

1) Courtesy and respect of the nurses.

2) How well the nurses kept you informed on your treatment and progress

3) Your rating of nursing care received on the day shift (7 a.m. - 7 p.m.)

4) Your rating of nursing care received on the night shift (7 p.m. - 7 a.m.)


"More regard for patient's privacy would be appreciated. Staff members did not knock." - nursing section

How do the patient feel?

What could have been differently?


What is the first thing you should do once you have entered the patient's room?

Introduce yourself and your role. Explain the reason for your visit. Engage each person in the room.


What do you do when a patient or family member expresses a concern to you?

Always elevate


“Everyone seemed too busy to help. Some people were friendly, but I can’t remember their names as I didn’t have the same people consistently. I had to repeat myself- do you all not talk to each other. Some of the therapy was pointless, they just had me doing puzzles and lifting my legs. They discharged me too soon and I ended up back at the hospital. Overall, my experience was okay.”

How did the patient feel?

What could have been done differently?


What is our patient satisfaction survey moto? We strive for.....



What is service recovery?

It is a proactive approach to feedback and resolving concerns while they are in our care.


"I felt the teaching process was good but it seemed rushed. Started learning everything a few days before discharge. Hard on my husband and stressful for me trying to learn everything quickly."

What could of been done differently?


What is the does ART of Caring stand for?

A - Acknowledge

R - Relationship/Rapport

T - Thank


Based on a research study done at Brooks, what are the top two things patients remember from their inpatient stay?

1) Staff

2) Progress they made


"nurses seemed understaffed and over stressed, particularly at peak times."

How did this patient feel?

What could have been done differently?


How do YOU explain discharge plans or provide training to patient/family?

Staff Example

Early caregiver training


What matters most to our patients? 3 things they are looking for from us

1) Compassion connected care

2) Communication keeping them informed

3) Discharge preparation and training


"There were constant changes every day. Yes, the names were put on the board, but it was distant and not personal." - nursing section

How did this make them feel?

What could of been done differently?