High Reliability Organization
Safety Culture
General Patient Safety
Sequoia Fellows
Sequoia Fellows

This industry (outside of healthcare) is often cited as having achieved high reliability. 

What is aviation? Alternates: military, energy.


This term is used to describe when employees feel safe to report patient safety risks and events. 

What is psychological safety?


This organization is the second most common entity to provide ASC accreditations. (most common is Joint Commission)

What is AAAHC?


This fellow was struck (in the face!) by a foul ball at Shea Stadium.

Who is Scott Hines?


This fellow is known to mow the lawn for relaxation.

Who is Katri Palonen?


In healthcare RCAs, this percentage of events are caused by organizational weaknesses (systems) and not individual weaknesses. 

What is 80%


This evidenced-based leadership activity is recommended by the IHI to promote visiting the workplace and asking about safety. 

What are Safety Walk Rounds?


This number (out of 10) describes the frequency of patients harmed in ambulatory settings.

What is the number 4? 

(4 in 10 patients are harmed in ambulatory settings).


This fellow was trained in opera starting at age 4. 

Who is Kate Shieh-Maynard?


This fellow deferred medical school for a year in order to be a wrangler on a dude ranch. 

Who is Anne Dixon?


These are two of the five Characteristics often attributed to High Reliability Organizations.

What is 1) preoccupation with failure, 2) reluctance to simplify interpretations, 3) sensitivity to operations, 4) commitment to resilience, 5) deference to expertise


This framework is used to evaluate episodes of human error and is considered balanced accountability. 

What is Just Culture?


This number of patient falls that happen each year at Optum Care clinics. (number to the nearest 100).

What is 1000?


This fellow was in the Junior PGA circuit prior to going into medicine. 

Who is Jaren Trost?


This fellow has a 2100 year old Amphora in their foyer.

Who is Peter Bernardo?


High Reliability Organizations can demonstrate this rate of defects (also called Sig Sigma levels).

What is 3.4 defects per million?


Under the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, this structure allows member organizations to share patient safety event information with additional legal protections from discovery. 

What is a Patient Safety Organization (PSO)?


These are the six domains of quality - as described by AHRQ and used by Dr. Dan Murrey to describe priorities of Clinical Differentiation.

What are: 1) Safety, 2) Effectiveness, 3) Patient Centered, 4) Timely, 5) Efficient, 6) Equitable.


This fellow was kidnapped as a kid. 

Who is Ahmereen Khan?


This fellow can walk (barefoot) across a bed of hot-coals.

Who is Mili Varghese?