The U.S. Flag
Let's Celebrate!
Presidents and the 4th of July
The Declaration of Independence

What the U.S. flag should never touch.

What is the ground or anything beneath it?

*The Flag Code states that the flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.


The most common injury related to fireworks.

What are burns?


This president was born on July 4, 1872. (30th president)

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


According to the Declaration of Independence, the three things people have certain Inalienable Rights to.

What are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?


The Statue of Liberty was a gift from this country.

What is France?

It was designed by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi just in time for the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence. The tablet she is holding has the date July 4, 1776 engraved on it.


How the flag is flown after a tragedy or important death in the U.S. in order to honor the lives of those lost.

What is half-staff?

This former "island" hosts a famous hot dog-eating contest every year on July 4th.

What is Coney Island?

It takes place at Nathan's Famous Corporation's original and best-known restaurant in Coney Island, New York City. The record is: 72 hot dogs AND BUNS in TEN MINUTES


This president's daughter was born July 4, 1998.

Who is Barack Obama?

The person who wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The bird that ALMOST became the national bird of the United States. 

What is a turkey?

*Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird to be a Turkey. He said the bald eagle is a bird of bad moral character, the turkey is a more respectable bird.


The first person to sew the American flag.

Who is Betsy Ross?

*Though it's not officially known who exactly sewed the first American flag, there is a long-standing belief that it was Betsy Ross—who completed the task at the request of General George Washington.


This is tapped 13 times every July 4th.

What is the Liberty Bell?

*Every year on July 4, descendants of the Declaration of Independence signers tap the Liberty Bell 13 times. The tradition was created as a way to honor the original 13 colonies. 


On July 4, 1778, still fighting in the Revolutionary War, this president ordered a double ration of rum for his soliders and an artillery salute to mark the occasion.

Who is George Washington?


This person's signature on the Declaration of Independence is the most famous.

Who is John Hancock?

*According to legend, Hancock boldly inscribed his name so that King George would not need glasses to read it.


The four presidents' faces on Mount Rushmore.

Who are: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln?


The number of U.S. flags that have been planted on the moon.

What are six?

The US planted the first flag on the Moon during the manned Apollo 11 mission in 1969. Five further US flags were planted on the lunar surface during subsequent missions up until 1972.

In 2012 Nasa cited satellite images as showing that five of the flags were still standing, but experts quoted in media reports say they are likely to have been bleached white by the sun's glare.

The first flag was said by astronaut Buzz Aldrin to have been placed too close to the Apollo lunar module and was, he said, probably blown away when the module blasted off.


Americans consume approximately 155 million of these every July 4th.

What are hot dogs?

This is approximately one hot dog eaten for every two Americans.


These two presidents died on July 4, 1826, within 5 hours of each other.

Who are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?

*Former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were once fellow Patriots and then adversaries, die on the same day within five hours of each other.

Historians believe Adams' last words were, “Thomas Jefferson survives,” muttered in his dying breaths before typhoid overcame him. Jefferson had actually passed away several hours earlier, so Adams' proclamation was incorrect.


The date that the American Colonies declared their independence from Britain.

What is July 2, 1776?

*Officially, the Continental Congress declared its freedom from Britain on July 2, 1776, when it approved a resolution and delegates from New York were permitted to make it a unanimous vote. John Adams thought July 2 would be marked as a national holiday for generations to come. July 4 is when the Declaration was adopted.


How many presidents has the United States had?

What are 46?


The "occupation" of the person who came up with the design of the current U.S. flag.

What is a high school student?

The current flag was designed by a 17-year-old boy, Robert Heff, in 1958. The flag was part of a school project for Robert, where the school teacher gave him a B-.


The first organized celebration of Independence Day was on this date.

What is July 4, 1777?

The tradition of setting off fireworks on the 4 of July began in Philadelphia on July 4, 1777, during the first organized celebration of Independence Day. Ship’s cannon fired a 13-gun salute in honor of the 13 colonies. 


This president died after falling ill at a July 4 celebration in 1850.

Who is Zachary Taylor?

*He died on July 9, 1850, after only 16 months in office. The exact cause of his death is still debated by historians but many believe it had something to do with the large quantities of spoiled cherries and iced milk he had during the 4th of July festivities. 


The month and year that the Declaration of Independence was signed by ALL members of congress.

What is August 1776?

*Only John Hancock and Charles Thompson signed it on July 4. The rest of the 56 delegates from 13 colonies actually signed the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776, to make it official.


The original color of the Statue of Liberty.

What is reddish-brown copper?