Pedestrian Contacts pt3
Foot pursuit
Pedestrian Contact pt1
Pedestrian Contacts pt3

Controlled environments, least amount of bystanders who could be injured or used as hostages are all examples of 

what is Select Location


Does poor viability affect a pursuit?



What is reasonable suspicion based on   

observation, personal training and/or experience, information from eyewitnesses, victims, and/or other officers. 

What do the consequences of inappropriate detention include?

Improper or unlawful detention or arrest

Unsuccessful court prosecutions

Possible injury to the officers or pedestrians


what are the examples listed under Be aware of Safety Hazards caused by

what is Reflective surfaces that may mirror the officers approach, intersections, areas with additional risk (bars, known trouble spots)


What is reasonable suspicion?

The standard is used to determine whether a detention is legal. 


What does an officer do for their safety?

For officer safety they must approach every contact, consensual encounter or a lawful detention they must keep officer safety in mind


what should you notify dispatch prior to your approach 

what is Location, number of subjects, reason for contact, the need for backup (if necessary)


When pursuing into a building what should a officer do?

Call for backup


What must an officer have a clear understanding of a pedestrian contact considered a lawful consensual encounter from one that would constitute a lawful detention

To protect an individual's constitutional rights


What are the factors that can leave officers vulnerable to attack?

complacency, overconfidence, poor planning, or inappropriate positioning


Tactical seatbelt removal, stop at a safe/effective distance, maximize officer safety, keep the subjects in the officers view at all times are all examples of 

 what is Position Patrol Vehicle 


What should an officer consider when drawing his weapon?

seriousness of offense,perception of risk,potential for accidental discharge 


What is a detention?

A detention is less than an arrest, but more substantial than a simple consensual encounter. 


What should officers always do during a field interview?

Officers should always use a field interview position, keep their gun hand free, be mindful of their surroundings, as well as being aware of the individuals hands, size, and demeanor


what is one of the examples given when you are establishing contact

what is (just have to name one)

  • Properly identify yourself

  • Use direct and clear verbal commands

  • Assume position of advantage while talking to the subject

  • Maintain proper contact and cover officer positions 

  • Watch for suspicious movements

  • Observe for unusual behavior, could be a sign subject is trying to conceal contraband


What should a officer do when he loses sight of the suspect ?

stop,look,listen,for clues establish a perimeter,call for backup,and coordinate a search


T or F. A detention must be temporary and last no longer than is necessary to carry out the purpose of the stop



Before contact what should officers take into consideration?

the person's appearance, actions, prior knowledge of the person, area of the proposed contact, time of day, and the number of suspects