Aquatic Animals (the best kind of animals)
Animation (the best kind of -mation)
The internet and it's horriblness
Theater but explained by someone who saw the show 10 years ago and is kinda fuzzy on details
Fun fact: In this scene, they-

These crustaceans are more of a muddled brown color, only turning bright red when they're boiled. But certain genetics can cause them to be different colors, such as orange or blue.

What are lobsters?


This animation style was popularized in the 1920s and named after the characters' fluid and elastic movements.

What is Rubber Hose Animation?


This convention went down in infamy when 1200 or so people were gathered in a hotel in Chicago to meet online friends, discuss fandom, and meet their favorite tumblr celebrities. But since the creators had literally never been to a convention before, one of them being 15, everything soon went to hell with low funds, celebrity cancellations and someone peeing in a ball pit.

What is Dashcon?


It's the one where the guy lies but like he isn't lying but like he is and his son hates him and it's in like...Kentucky or something?

What is Big Fish?


This was the first non-english speaking film to win an Oscar for Best Picture.

What is Parasite?


Cephalopods are a class in the Phylum Mollusca. Most of the animals in this class, (ei. Squid, and Octopi) do not have an exterior shell. This family, is the only currently living kind of Cephalopod with an external shell.

What is the Nautilus?


This is the standard frame rate for an average 2-d animation.

What is 24 frames per second?


After gaining notoriety from their crappy Sonic Oc, They became the most well documented person on the internet.

Who is Chris Chan?


The one where this girl kills a guy and another girl kills a guy, there was a lot of girls killing guys. And like one girl's trying to be famous and turns into a puppet or something? It was weird.

What is Chicago?


In this 1994 movie, Tom Hanks modeled his character's iconic voice after the kid playing his younger self.

What is Forest Gump?


These mammals are often compared to humans. They're curious, and intelligent, and much like humans, love getting Zooted. Getting high by huffing Pufferfish toxins.

What are Dolphins?


The movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" was a marvel of technology in animation. This director utilized animatronics, mimes and a possibly inhuman animator named Richard Williams to make the cartoon characters look like they were actually interacting with the human actors.

Who is Robert Zemeckis?


This infamous Webcomic made in 2009 started as a crudley drawn choose your own adventure story but soon skyrocketed in popularity now being known for it's bizzare plot, rabid fans, and the creator's nasty habit of scamming the fanbase out of millions of dollars.

What is Homestuck?


It's the one with Cinderella and Rapunzel and a girl and like... 2 princes, I think?

What is Into The Woods


In this 1985 classic, the main cast was allowed to come up with their own reasons as to why their characters were in Saturday Detention. 

What is the Breakfast Club?


Many aquatic animals use this technique of camouflage where the underside of their body is lighter to blend in with the sky when viewed from below, and the backside of their body is darker to blend in with the ocean when viewed from above.

What is Countershading?


The internet has played a huge role in the rise of animation. One of the biggest factors was this early 2000s website where users could upload their own animations and games...It resulted in a lot of gore and stick figures beating each other up, but the concept was still cool!

What is Newgrounds?


In 2017, User "Umbronydraws" made a series of character sheets for an Alexander Hamilton College AU. This included Alexander Hamilton as a sleep deprived law major and this former U.S. president as a trans furry in a Hatsune Miku Binder.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Which one? Oh yeah, the Witch one. 

What is The Crucible?


Robert Patrick trained for weeks to prepare for his robotic character in this 1991 movie. So much so, that when his character had to chase after a car, they had to keep reshooting it because he kept catching up to it.

What is Terminator 2?


A species of crabs like to like to carry around these stinging creatures from the Cnidaria phylum for self defense. Weirdly they're called Boxer crabs when they're clearly cheerleaders.

What are anemones?


In this year, French artist, Emile Cohl created a stop motion short film titled "Fantasmargorie" which was considered the first animated film.

When was 1907?


Andy Blake, also known a "Thanfiction" managed to create not one but two online cults. One in the Harry Potter fandom and another in this high fantasy movie/book series. Both of which stemmed from his raunchy fan-fiction of the main characters.

What is Lord Of The Rings?


It's the one with Cinderella and Rapunzel and a girl and like... 2 princes, I think?

What is the Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon?


This 1984 movie was originally going to be a Sci-fi epic about futuristic space plumbers. But due to budgetary and “that would be a terrible movie” reasons, this concept was scrapped.

What is Ghostbusters?