Irelands national color?
What is Azure Blue?
What was St.Patrick doing at 16?
What is gettin' kidney-napped?
What plant is associates with St. Patty's day?
What is the Shamrock?
What is more popular in Ireland, Scotch or Whiskey?
What is Whiskey?
When were our potato's taken away?
What is 1845?
What is the most popular drink in Ireland?
What is Guinness? (I had to google how to spell it.)
St.Patrick's least favorite animal?
What is snakes? (Maybe. I don't know. He got rid of all of them from Ireland so I'm assuming that he wasn't a fan.)
What was the first state in America to celebrate St. Patrick's day?
What is New York?
How many pubs are in Ireland?
What is around 7,000?
When were our potato's given back?
What is 1852?
Ireland's national animal?
What is Irish hare or mountain hare?
What brought St. Patrick to The Motherland?
What is kidnapping and slavery?
Who started St. Patrick's day?
What is Ireland?
What is the legal age that you can order a beer or wine with a meal in Ireland?
What is 16?
Why should you punch a potato?
What is why are you punching potato's? Don't say that you're not. I saw you in the billiard room with cornel Mustard and your fist. The Irish jig is up!
When Ireland gain independence?
What is December 6, 1921?
What is Roman?
When was St. Patrick's day founded?
what is March 17, 1631?
How many active beer breweries are there in Ireland?
What is 80?
How many?
6652780 potato's. That's how many.
Other than Irish, what is the closest language?
What is Scottish Gaelic or Manx?
When did Patty become a saint?
What is, he was never canonized as a saint?
The chances of finding a four leaf clover are?
What is 1 and 10,000?
What do Irish People do with milk? (Hint: They don't eat it.)
What is they drink it?
Fruits that end in um.
Applum, Bananum, Strawberrum, Tomatum, Coconut.