What was Paul's name before it was changed?
How many missionary journeys did Paul go on?
3 or 4 (will accept either)
Who always stirred up trouble for Paul during his journeys?
Jews, Jewish leaders
This letter is all about forgiveness
Who was the first king the Israelites had?
Paul was this kind of Jew
What was Paul's occupation?
Tent Maker
He was Paul's spiritual son and the one he "passed the torch" to.
This letter is a happy letter - being content no matter what.
Who was the second king Israel had?
What was Paul doing when Stephen was being stoned?
Holding the cloaks of the stoners
Where was the first place Paul would go and preach when he visited a new city?
The synagogue
Name one person who traveled with Paul during his missionary journeys.
Barnabas, John Mark, Silas, Timothy, Luke, Erastus, Aristarchus, Gaius, Trophimus, Tychicus
Many letters Paul wrote addressed this big problem churches were having.
False teaching because poor leadership
Who was the third king Israel had?
Where was Paul when Jesus appeared to him?
Road to Damascas
Name 3 letters Paul wrote when he wasn't in prison.
Galatians, 1&2 Corinthians, 1&2 Thessalonians, Romans, Titus
How many men vowed not to eat until Paul was assasignated?
This was Paul's last letter he wrote
2 Timothy
Which king is described as a man after God's own heart?
This kept Paul from being flogged
Roman Citizenship
How many times was Paul stoned?
Once. Acts 14:19-22 at Lystra
This young man heard of an assassination plot against Paul and told someone.
Paul's nephew
This letter talks about grace that allows Jews and Gentiles to be united and ONE.
Which king wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon