A city that Paul visited on his first missionary journey.
What is Cyprus, Lystra, Iconium, Derbe, or Antioch?
One of the people who accompanied Paul on his 2nd journey.
Who is Silas, Luke, or Timothy?
On Paul's first journey, this happened to Paul when he was left for dead in Lystr.
What is stoned?
The young man from Lystra who became a follower of Jesus and was considered like a son to Paul.
Who is Timothy?
This was Lydia's job.
What is seller of purple dye or fabric?
The name for the general area that Paul visited on his first missionary journey. (Asia minor, includes cities of Lystra, Iconium, Derbe)
What is Galatia?
The women who met Paul and Silas and God opened her heart to believe.
Who is Lydia?
This false belief developed after people of Iconium saw Paul and Barnabas heal a lame man.
What is believing they were false/ greek gods?
The woman who placed her faith in Jesus after listening to Paul and then invited them to her house.
Who is Lydia?
The outward act that Lydia and also the jailer and his family did to show others they believed in Jesus.
What is being baptized?
The first major city Paul visited on his 2nd journey. (area of Macedonia).
What is Philippi?
The man who was afraid for his life after an earthquake, wanted to end his life, then believed in Jesus to be saved, and helped nurse Paul and Silas' wounds.
Who is the jailer?
This happened after Paul cast out a demon from a girl that was making money for her family in Macedonia.
What is being beaten and put in jail?
The person who believed after seeing Paul and Silas stay in their prison cells after the earthquake.
Who is the jailer?
The reason that Paul and Silas went to Macedonia.
What is the leading of the Holy Spirit, or called by God.
The place that Paul and Silas were taken after casting our demon from girl, being falsely accused of breaking the law.
What is prison or jail?
This person accompanied Paul on his first missionary Journey.
Who is Barnabas?
This happened to further punish Paul and Silas when they were put in jail.
What is putting their feet in stocks and placing them in the inner prison?
The people who also heard about and believed in Jesus after Paul and Silas went to the jailer's house.
The event/ occurrence that God sent at midnight when Paul and Silas were in prison.
What is an earthquake?
The place that Paul and Silas went immediately after being released from jail?
What is Lydia's house?
This young man joined Paul and Silas from Lystra and went the rest of the journey with them.
Who is Timothy?
Paul and Silas' response to being beaten, put in prison, and put in stocks.
What is praying and singing hymns to God?
Those who tore Paul and Silas' clothes and gave orders to beat them and then wanted to release them secretly.
Who are the magistrates?
The question the jailer asked Paul and Silas after he found them still in prison after earthquake.
What is How can I be saved?