These evil men were making money by asking for money for people to see a young girl who was possessed by an evil spirit.
Paul grew up in this city, known for its black wool.
After the Thessalonians took custody of Jason, some of Paul's followers sent Paul and Silas away at what time.
Night time
Paul preached to Jews first, but then preached directly to what group.
Paul found refuge by staying in what Christian man's home at Thessalonica, but was taken by angry Jews to the judgment seat for giving Paul refuge.
This husband and wife were tentmakers and travelled with Paul from Corinth to Syria
Aquila & Priscilla
Paul stayed in this city for 18 months and wrote letters to the Thessalonians during this time.
Singing and Praising God
Every time Paul visited a city, he did this.
Paul demanded that he and Silas be released from prison publicly, instead of privately, and he was due to this because of his citizenship.
Barnabas wanted this friend to join him and Paul on their second missionary journey, but Paul did not want him to join them.
John Mark
Paul was staying in Troas when he received a vision from God to travel unto what area.
This group of people called Paul a "babbler" but wanted to know more about his teachings because that is what they always did: tell, or hear something new.
Paul warned the Jews in Corinth that their blood would be upon their own heads, and he would go to preach to this group instead.
Paul and Silas were saved from this natural disaster when chained in a jail in Philippi
Originally from Thyatira, this woman was a seller of purple, who let Paul & Silas stay in her home.
Paul had to quickly sail away from this city, but Timotheus and Silas remained.
This group of villagers despised Paul and this teachings. They sought to run him out of their town.
After warning the Jews, and instead preaching to the Gentiles, one man believed, and his house was attached to the synagogue
Through all the pain and trials in Paul's missionary journey, God is given the what?
Glory / Victory
This ruler in Corinth was the deputy of Achaia who "cared for none of those things" when Sosthenes was beaten, and did not want to judge Paul.
Paul was invited to the Aeropagus and preached in Mars' Hill in this large city.
This man became so scared, he thought he would rather die than face the leaders who thought Paul and Silas escaped from prison.
Jailer (Philippi)
Paul called the men of Athens superstitious because they had altars that said what?
Two Athenians who believed in Christ after Paul sermon on Mars' Hill, and then travelled with him.
Dionysius and Damaris