It's how we define what we're comfortable with and how we want to be treated by others
What are boundaries?
IDEAS stands for...
What is Interrupt, Distract, Engage Peers, Authorities/Advocates, Stay Safe?
It was in this year PAVE was formed and first began giving presentations
What is 2015?
These are 3 identity based confidential resources at Penn
What is Penn Women's Center, the LGBT Center, the AARC?
This acronym used by Planned Parenthood encompasses 5 key aspects of consent
What is FRIES?
(+ double your points if you can say what each part of the acronym stands for!)
These are two groups that PAVE does *not* usually facilitate trainings for
What is staff, faculty, graduate students, anyone outside of Penn?
"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." Who said this?
Who is Audre Lorde?
One might go to this Penn resource if they wanted to file a criminal complaint against the person who harmed them
What is Special Services/DPS?
What might be a sign of incapacitation (different from intoxication)?
Change in mobility (from baseline)
Change in speech (from baseline)
Confusion on basic information (name, date, etc)
Difficulty staying awake, asleep, etc
This form of harmful behavior happens at a high frequency, but has low recognition as harmful in our society
What is visual behavior (i.e. offensive memes, nonconsensual sharing of nudes, etc)?
It was this city that the first Take Back the Night event was held in 1970
This Philly area resource provides confidential advocacy, medical accompaniment, and a hotline for survivors of IPV.
What is WOAR (Women Organized Against Rape)?
The 5 Ds of bystander intervention are...
What is Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay, Document?
This now defunct Philadelphia transformative justice collective laid the foundation for community accountability processes for people who have caused harm.
What is Philly Stands Up?
This team of clinicians provides counseling for people who have experienced IPV (full acronym pls)
What is the Sexual Trauma Treatment Outreach Program (STTOP)?