Most common dog breed in the world
Labrador Retriever
Most common cat breed in the world
Worst animal to keep as a pet
What dog breed had a spike in demand after the popular movie based on them came out?
Dalmatians (some overzealous breeding caused a later increase in abandoned puppies, as the dogs proved to be more difficult to handle than people had anticipated)
Biggest animal
Blue whale
Average lifespan of dogs
10 -13 years
Average lifespan of cats
What exotic pet lives the longest?
What is the shark's name in Jaws
Fastest animal
12 - 14 hours
Average amount cats sleep per day
12 - 16 hours
How many tigers are kept as 'pets'?
5,000 to 7,000
How Many Birds were used in the film The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock
3,200 trained birds
Tallest Animal
What colors can dogs see?
Blue and Yellow
What colors can cats see?
Shades of gray, blue, and yellow
What disease do 90% of reptiles carry?
What fish is Dory from Finding Nemo based on?
The blue tang, known for its forgetful nature
Most Endangered
Javan rhino
How fast can cats run?
30 mph
Where do rabbits breathe through?
Their noses (not their mouths)
What is the name of the movie based on the real-life story of Winter the Dolphin?
Dolphin Tale
Most Aggressive Animal
Nile crocodile