Where can an adult be added? What needs to be included when adding adult?
Patrons-Add Patron
Patron Id, ID/Pin, First Name Last Name, School
Where can you show a quick view of all the patrons activity without actually running a report?
Patron-Search Patron-Lunch Account Tab
Numbers not working on computer keyboard, what should they check?
Make sure that the "NUM LOCK" is turned on
What are sister terminals? What does it mean if they're red?
Any other terminals communicating with the one you're on in the school. It is disconnected or not communicating.
Where do you go to change charge limits?
QL Manager-Administration-Charge Limits
Be sure to change by school
What does the ROA/Charges column show on CN7?
Total amount of money put on accounts for the day/Total amount of money taken off accounts for the day.
How do you reboot a Genovation pin or Armor Scan pin pad?
Be out of QL, unplug pin pad, while plugging back in hold 1 and 2, then hit 2 then hit enter, and 1 and enter to confirm.
Armor Scan are plug and play.
What does it mean when it says invalid terminal?
They would need to re-allocate the terminal, and save the DAT file.
Where do you go to override the charge limit for one student?
Patron-Search Patron-QuikLunch-Charge Limit
On the CN6 and CN7, what makes up the total deposit?
Total Breakfast Receipts+Deposit amount on CN7.
Screen is black on computer, but blue light continues to stay on. What does that mean?
They unplugged the computer before it was shut down completely. Will not come back up until internal battery completely dies.
Where do you go to transfer lunch balances?
Two answers to this:
Patron - lunch account - transfer balance
QL manager - account management
What report shows number of students purchasing a meal at a different school?
Edit Check
What report shows adjustments made by school district (paperless transaction).
Payment Type-Deposit Proc
Cash drawer not opening automatically, what is the problem?
Make sure that POSIFLEX option is turned in within the QuikLunch options.
What does the colors after each transaction mean?
Blue=Ala Carte
Orange=Previous meal transaction and currently brought up on screen
How do you tell what the PSA URL & terminal ID is without having to go into PSA?
Right click on the QL logo, choose open file location & choose at the .cfg file
What reports are needing to be shown when training the district?
What version do the pin pads need to be for Genovations or Armor Scans? Do you know how to change the distribution management
Any normal version for Genovation, and beta version for Armor Scans.
QL manager - administration - distribution management
When voiding out a transaction, how to you get back to the main screen?
Two answers -
Click on the "service" button at the top
Click on the childs picture in the far-left column to return to the main screen