What does YTD stand for?
Year to date
What do you know about Lily’s employment?
Lily earned minimum wage plus tips
Lily worked at Scoops Ice Cream in 2024
Lily worked during every month of 2024
Lily’s annual net pay (take-home pay) was $17,780 after taxes
Lily worked at Scoops Ice Cream in 2024
Based on this W-2, which of the following statements is TRUE?
Lily works in the state of Indiana, which has a state income tax
What is Maxwell’s filing status?
Married filing jointly
Which statement can you assume is TRUE?
Maxwell and his spouse both work, or Maxwell himself has two jobs
While you may not need to pay federal income taxes as a working teenager because you don't make enough, what types of federal taxes will you pay?
Social Security & Medicare
Lily uses a tax filing software that asks for her Employer’s Identification Number (EIN). What is it?
What tax information is NOT included on this W-2?
Income earned from her investments
In order to fill out this W-4 form, Maxwell needed to know all of this information EXCEPT…
The amount of taxes he’s paid in the last five years
When Maxwell completes this W-4, who should he submit it to?
Big City Office Furniture
What are withholding taxes?
money that an employer deducts from an employee's gross wages and pays directly to the government
What were Lily’s gross wages from this employer for this period?
What was the largest withholding on Lily’s W-2?
Federal income tax
If Maxwell had other income from interest or dividends which step might he want to complete on the W-4 form?
Step 4(a)
How much EXTRA money is Maxwell withholding from each paycheck?
What is the difference between the standard deduction and itemized deductions?
The standard deduction is a specific dollar amount that reduces the amount of taxable income, while itemized deductions are made up of a list of eligible expenses.
Lily paid ______ in Social Security tax, which is _______ of her total wages.
$1,102.36; 6.2%
While filing, Lily finds out that her total federal income tax due was $318. Based on her federal income tax withheld, how much of a tax refund can she expect?
Maxwell and his spouse file their taxes jointly and entered $4,000 on line 3. What does that tell you?
Maxwell and his spouse make less than $400,000 and have two children
How many dependents does Maxwell have?