Questioning the Questions
The ABCs of CBPR
How Ethical Are You?
Qualitative Control
Show Me the Studies

True or False: A good research question does not need to consider the primary audience

What is False? 


True or False: When conducting CBPR, the researcher is always in control.

What is false?

Do no harm is the definition for ___________________.

What is nonmaleficence? 


True or False: Inductive reasoning is commonly utilized for qualitative studies.

What is true?


What analytical study focuses on first identifying participants who do and do not have the disease present day and then obtains information about the presence of a risk factor(s) by acquiring past information from the participants.

What is a case control study?


How often should adults with pre-existing conditions
receive a booster against the COVID-19 virus? Is an example of what type of research question?

What is a descriptive research question?


What is one challenge of CBPR?

What is very time consuming?

What is researchers have to give up control?

What is researchers have to gain the trust of the community?

What is complex?

What is requires a great deal of humility? 


Double jeopardy question!!!!

A team of researchers is one week away from completing their data collection process on a study exploring the perspectives of Navy veterans utilizing various insomnia treatments. The team notices that one of their participants appears very emotionally triggered by the questions being asked, but chooses to keep them in the study until its completion. They feel that the benefits to the participant will still be maximized. This team of researchers is not ensuring what ethical consideration? 

What is beneficence? 


What is one benefit of qualitative research?

-What is it can examine complex questions better
than quantitative research?
-What is it can provide a free exchange of information?
-What is it can be beneficial for inquiring about intimate or sensitive issues?
-What is it is not limited to rigid/definable definitions?
-What is it can provide new areas of research
-What is it can provide new theories?


What are the three questions asked for observational studies?

What is who, where, and when?


What is the relationship between yoga practices among adults with major depressive disorder and their psychological well-being?

What is a relationship type research question?


What is one benefit of CBPR?

What is it can enhance existing interventions?

What is it that can implement public policies?

What is it can have a long-lasting impact on the community?

What is community empowerment?

What is it that can develop long-lasting and trusting partnerships?

What is it brings funding and employment opportunities into the community?


A participant with diabetes is interested in taking part in a study that is designed to explore the relationship between the usability of a new insulin pump and their level of satisfaction with their insulin regimen. The project coordinator informs the participant that if they choose to not participate in the study they will not long be able to book appointments with their endocrinologist. What unethical concept is being showcased here?

What is coercion? 


A researcher is conducting a one-on-one conversation with a participant to explore their experiences with mental health services. The researcher uses questions designed to encourage the participant to share their personal stories and perspectives. The interview is conducted in a private setting to create a comfortable and confidential atmosphere.

What is an in-depth interview?


True or False: Cohort studies first start with the risk factors.

What is true?


What is the effect of a smoking cessation program on the daily number of cigarettes smoked among adults 25 years of age and older?

What is a causality type research question?


Researchers conducting a CBPR project that focuses on implementing farmer's markers within food desert areas in Louisville, KY. They decide to consult their community partners throughout the data collection and data analysis phases. This would be an example of what key characteristic of CBPR?

What is community engagement?


____________________ is an ethical consideration that ensures that all participants are being treated fairly.

What is justice?


A researcher is leading a discussion with a small number of participants (8 in total) to explore the relationship between video games and mental health. The researcher uses open-ended questions to encourage participants to share their thoughts on how video games have impacted their emotional well-being, stress levels, and social interactions. The discussion is conducted in a small setting to allow for interaction and exchange of ideas among participants.

What is a focus group?


Researchers are noticing an increase in air pollution within the cities of Smallville and Greenstown. They want to compare the number of asthma cases between these two cities. What type of study design would you recommend these researchers utilize?

What is an ecological study?


What is the difference in physical activity engagement between students at East Carolina University and students at UNC-Chapel Hill?

What is a comparative type research question?


A community health organization is partnering with a local research team of a university to conduct a CBPR research project on diabetes prevention. The research team will provide training to community members on research methods, data collection, and analysis. Additionally, the research team will offer workshops designed to provide local resources that help residents manage their diabetes. This is an example of what key concept of CBPR?

What is capacity building?


Researchers have obtained IRB approval to implement a study designed to reduce levels of stress among ICU nurses through a 6-week mindfulness breathing intervention. The research manager chooses to not inform the nurses that the intervention will take 2 hours per day for 6 weeks. What unethical concept is being showcased by this research manager?

What is autonomy? 


What is one advantage of photovoice?

-What is describes the community from the viewpoint of those who live there?

-What is it describes the community's strengths and concerns?

-What is it promotes dialogue about the community's issues?


Double jeopardy question!!!!

A study aims to determine if smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer. After receiving IRB approval, the research team follows a group of individuals over time to investigate the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Participants are classified based on their smoking status (smokers vs. non-smokers). The researcher then monitors the participants for a specified period to track the development of lung cancer. This is an example of what type of study design?

What is a prospective cohort study?