Be Respectful, Responsible, Safe and ALWAYS do your best!
What are the school rules?
Hero Paw Points
What is the name of our Reward System Tickets
No lock
Lock unlocked
Socializing and not getting materials
What is inappropriate locker procedures?
Assigned table
All your utensils
Indoor voices
Clean up after yourself
What is Cafeteria Expectations?
Have an official Media Center pass filled out
completely and signed by my teacher
What is Media Center?
A framework that uses research-based practices to support students and staff in schools
What is the "PBIS"
What is the Social Contracts?
No Pass
Running in the Hallway
What is inappropriate Hallway transitions?
Student making noises
What are minor incidents?
* Push chairs in when leaving.
*Use care when using media center materials
and technology.
What are appropriate Media Center behavior?
On specified dates ALL staff teach or re-teach rules in the location.
What is school-wide schedule and lessons for direct teaching PBIS expectations?
I am responsible for my own actions
I will always do my best
I take pride in myself and my school
What is the code of behavior?
Silent Transition
Single file line
Walk on the right side
What is Hallway Expectations?
Put downs
Play wrestling
Repeated talk outs
What are minor referrals?
Return Books
What is student responsibility?
Teaching desired behaviors Teaching social behaviors like academic skills Maximizing academic engagement and success Considering the influence of instructional support
What is the INSTRUCTIONAL focus of PBIS?
Where students go to consider if their actions align with the Panther Path.
What is a reflection center?
Re-teach expectations and praise students for effort Verbal reminders Buddy classroom Classroom stop and think forms Phone call home to parents
What are some interventions that can be used for level 1 behaviors?
*Clean up after myself.
*Respect others’ space.
*Talk quietly
What is take pride in myself and your school in the Cafeteria?
Dr. Adams, Mr. Werdlow, Ms. Wright, Mrs. Lattimore, Mrs. Saldana, Mrs. Woodford, Ms. Redmon, Mrs. Hamid
Who are some behavior support that are available at MMS?
Academic and Behavioral Systems
What are the two systems that ensure student success (2 sides of the pyramid).
Should be used as a LAST resort after several interventions don't change behaviors
When should a REFERRAL be used?
The behavior can change levels (increasing in severity of consequence).
What happens when behaviors do not improve after several interventions?
*Follow adult. directions the first time given.
*Ask for permission before getting out of my seat.
What is I WILL ALWAYS DO MY BEST in the Cafeteria?
Respect others
Come in quietly
What are Media Center Expectations?