Two full-time CSUMB faculty who are PBIS super-stars
Who are Drs. Harrower and Ross
What is an example of a level 3 behavior
Check-in , Check-out (CICO)
What is the intervention where students "check in" with a staff member
80% - 90% of students fall into this level
What is the "Green Zone" or Tier 1
3 students per classroom WEEKLY
What is the number of pride tickets that are selected each week from classroom tickets?
Student making annoying noises and wandering out of assigned areas
What is level 1 behavior
"Broken Record"
What is an effective Tier 1 intervention that involves repetition?
Student store
Where can students trade-in their PBIS tickets?
Sending students to the office or putting them in the hall-way
What is a common behavior intervention for dealing with knuckleheads in middle school
Principal letter home Line leader Sit in the teacher's chair Lunch in the classroom Game time with the counselor/teacher/friends
What are some rewards that can be tied to behavior interventions?
Refer for Tier 3 intervention
What do you do when "nothing works" and your students is becoming more aggressive??
Principal Pride Winners
Who are the students chosen each Monday from the week's ticket winners?
Discuss concerns with PBIS team members.
What can staff do if they do not agree with the consequences students were given?
School Psychologist, Student Study Team, PBIS Team, school counselor, BCBA.
What are some behavior support systems that are available in our district?
Academic and Behavioral Systems
What are the two systems that ensure student success (2 sides of the pyramid).
The behavior can change levels (increasing in severity of consequence).
What happens when behaviors do not improve after several interventions?
Increased ratio of positive to negative teacher to student interactions. Students actively supervised at all times. Manage level 1 behaviors quickly and positively. Ensure smooth and efficient transitions.
What are some classroom management strategies that should be emphasized?