All Settings

How can we ACT RESPONSIBLE in all settings?

be prepared, take care of our property, and follow all directions.


How do we ACT RESPONSIBLE in the cafeteria?

Keep food on our tray and report any accidents


How do we ACT RESPONSIBLE in the bathroom?

Wash our hands, turn the water off, and dry our hands. Return to class quickly, and report any bathroom needs to your teacher.


How do we ACT RESPONSIBLY on the playground?

Line up quickly, keep eyes forward, stay with your class.


How do we ACT RESPONSIBLE in the hallway?

Be where you belong and go directly where you are expected to be.


How do we WORK TOGETHER in all settings?

Use appropriate voice zone, be an active listener, treat others the way we want to be treated, and clean up after yourself.


How do we WORK TOGETHER WITH RESPECT in the cafeteria?

Zone 1 voices when the lights are on, zone 0 voices when the lights are off, and food stays in the cafeteria


How do we WORK TOGETHER with respect in the bathroom?

Zone 0 voices, share the sink or wait your turn, give others privacy.


How do we WORK TOGETHER with respect on the playground?

Zone 0 voices in line, on the playground take turns with equipment, include everyone in games, and follow the rules of games. 


How do we WORK TOGETHER with respect in the hallway?

Zone 0 voice level, look at hallway displays with your eyes only, and stand one full square away from the wall.


How do we STAY SAFE in all settings?

Keep hands and feet to yourself (KAHFOOTY) and report to teachers and adults when there is a problem.


How do we STAY SAFE in the cafeteria?

Stay seated until dismissed, raise your hand if you need help, and eat your own food.


How do we STAY SAFE in the bathroom?

Use the bathroom appropriately, unlock the door when leaving the stall, report any incidents.


How do we STAY SAFE on the playground?

Play in designated area


How do we STAY SAFE in the hallway?

Walk on the right side of the hallway, keep hands down at your side, use quiet walking feet, keep your eyes forward, and stay with your class.