What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Respectful in the Classroom?
1. Follow classroom procedures and directions.
2. Take care of the classroom
3. Be positive and supportive of others
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Respectful in the Cafeteria?
1. Wait your turn in the lunch line
2. Respect others' personal space and property
3. Follow and respond appropriately to adult directions
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Respectful in the Hallways?
1. Follow and respond appropriately to adults directions
2. Use appropriate language and volume
3. Respect others personal space and property
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Respectful in the Bathroom?
1. Keep the facilities neat and clean
2. Clean up after yourself and dispose of the trash appropriately
3. Keep school property free of extraneous markings
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Respectful on the Bus?
1. Speak kindly to students and adults on the bus.
2. Keep the bus clean
Keep hands, feet, and personal objects to yourself.
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Responsible in the Classroom?
1. Work Cooperatively
2. Be an active learner
3. Bring only required materials
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Responsible in the Cafeteria?
1. Clean up your trash and dispose of trash in the trash can
2. Interact appropriately and keep social distance
3. Have permission from an adult when being dismissed
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Responsible in the Hallways?
1. Use the most direct route to and from your destination
2. Avoid disturbing other classes
3. Keep social distanced
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Responsible in the Bathroom?
1. Report broken restroom equipment
2. Two students in the bathroom at a time
3. Be courteous to others by being using your time wisely
What are the 3 PBIS expectations for being Responsible on the Bus?
1. Arrive on time
2. Remove your belongings from the bus when you arrive
3. Exit the bus promptly when you arrive at school
According to PBIS, when being safe in the classroom, what are the expectations with your assigned area?
Remain in your assigned area and socially distanced
According to PBIS, when being safe in the cafeteria, what are the expectations when walking with teacher to and from cafeteria?
Walk with your teacher in a line to and from the cafeteria
According to PBIS, when being safe in the hallways, which side of the hallway do you walk on?
Walk on the right side of the hallway and follow the arrows
According to PBIS, when being safe in the Bathrooms, when are you allowed to enter the restroom?
Enter restroom with permission
According to PBIS, when being safe on the Bus, what is the expectation when the bus is moving?
Remain seated while the bus is in motion
According to PBIS, Safety in the classroom, what is the expectation about your hands and feet?
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself..
According to PBIS, Safety in the cafeteria, what is the expectation about being seated?
Remain in your seat
According to PBIS, when being safe in the hallways, what do we do with our hands and feet?
Keep your feet and hands to yourself
According to PBIS, when being safe in the Bathrooms, how many people are allowed in the restroom at a time?
Only use the restroom two at a time
According to PBIS, when being safe on the Bus, what is expected of your hands, feet, and objects?
Keep hands, feet, and objects inside the bus
According to PBIS, when it comes to Safety in the classroom, what is the expectation about making choices?
Make calm and positive choices
According to PBIS, when it comes to Safety in the cafeteria, what is the expectation about being dismissed?
Line up with your teacher at dismissal
According to PBIS, when being safe in the hallways, what should you have with you in the hallway?
Either an adult or a written pass
According to PBIS, when being safe in the Bathrooms, what should you do before leaving the restroom?
Wash your hands thoroughly and throw trash in trash can before exiting
According to PBIS, when being safe on the Bus, what do you do if there is a problem on the bus?
Report any problems to an adult