In the Classroom
In the Cafeteria
In the Hallways
In the Bathrooms
On the Bus

Not leaving the class the first 15 minutes to engage in your learning.

What is Mead's "Focus 15"?


This is worn around your neck and used to go to the specific destination quickly so you can return to class.

What is a hallway pass?


The amount of times you are allowed to use the restroom per trimester in a classroom.

What are the 3 passes per class per trimester?


These are red, white, and green, and must be worn around your neck (not swinging around like a lasso).

What are the hallway passes?


These are blue, should be worn around your neck, and used to go to the restroom (not to go socialize in the restroom and make your peers wait forever in the Cafe).

What are the Cafeteria hall passes?


This is needed to go to the Creation Studio, office, nurse, guidance, or another classroom and should be held in your hand so hallway monitors can see it.

What is a Gold Pass?


Respecting other's privacy and no vandalizing or doing anything that is against Mead or our District's policies.

What is being RESPECTFUL in the bathrooms?


Coming to class with a charged chromebook (in its case), being prepared with proper materials for that subject, and completing assignments on time.

What is being RESPONSIBLE in the Classroom?


Listening to your lunch supervisors and parent volunteers, waiting calmly in line for your pizza or hot lunch, cleaning up your mess off the table AND floor, and waiting for your table or section to be dismissed.

What does being RESPECTFUL in the Cafe look like?


Using a quiet and calm voice, speaking kindly to peers and adults, no vandalizing, and shutting lockers quietly.

What does being RESPECTFUL in the hallways look and sound like?


Wash your hands thoroughly and throw trash in trash can before exiting.

What is being RESPONSIBLE in the bathrooms?


Keep hands, feet, and objects inside the bus and remaining seated while the bus is in motion.

What does being SAFE on the Bus look like?


Keeping your hands, feet, and objects to yourself and sitting with your chair down on the floor.

What does being SAFE in the classroom look like?


Getting to lunch on time WITH your lunch, eating in a timely manner and, going to the restroom so you don't have to use one of your 3 passes in other classes.

What does being RESPONSIBLE in the Cafe look like?


Walking on the right side of the hallway, going up and down the right side of the stairs, and WALKING, not running.

What does being SAFE in the hallways look like?


Keeping hands, feet, and objects to self and reporting any damaged property to an adult.

What is being SAFE in the bathrooms?


Speaking in a quiet and calm voice, listening to adult directions, and keeping hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

What does being RESPECTFUL on the Bus look like?


Raising your hand, listening and respecting others in the classroom, and speaking kindly to peers and staff.

What does being RESPECTFUL in the classroom look like?


Remain in your seat, keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself, and no running.

What does being SAFE in the Cafe look like?


Walking to your destination in a timely manner and going to your locker if needed to get your proper materials for class so you are not tardy and are prepared.

What does being RESPONSIBLE in the hallways look like?


If you happen to witness something in the bathroom that would be considered illegal or against the school and district policies.

What is "if you see something, say something"?


Getting to your bus on time and having your bus pass ready.

What does being RESPONSIBLE on the Bus look like?