Cafeteria Etiquette
Social Behavior

If you accidentally spill your food, what should you do next?

What is clean it up yourself or tell a staff member?


You should always say this to cafeteria staff after receiving your food.

What is 'thank you'


After eating, this should be done with your plate.

What is throw away trash and return the plate to the designated area?


This is the appropriate voice level to use while eating in the cafeteria.

What is a calm, indoor voice?


This is the correct way to wait in line for food  

What is wait patiently and respect personal space?


This is the correct way to ask for help if you drop something.

What is politely ask a staff member or clean it up yourself?


If you accidentally drop food or a drink in the cafeteria, what should you do?

A) Ignore it and hope someone else notices
B) Clean it up yourself or tell a staff member
C) Cover it with a napkin and walk away
D) Ask a friend to clean it up for you

B) What is clean it up yourself or tell a staff member


If someone is being loud or disruptive, this is how you should handle it.

What is tell a staff member or monitor?


What should you do if you enter the cafeteria and the line is long?
A) Try to cut in line to get your food faster
B) Complain loudly about the wait
C) Wait in line patiently for your turn
D) Leave and come back later hoping the line is shorter

C) What is wait in line patiently 


True or false: It’s okay to be rude to staff if they forget something.

What is false?


You should do this if you notice someone cutting in line

What is politely ask them to go to the back of the line or tell a staff member?


It’s okay to share food under these circumstances.

What is never, due to health guidelines?  


If you want more food, you should do this.

What is line up again and ask the staff politely 


If the cafeteria is very busy, this is how you should act.

What is be patient and wait your turn


To ensure safety in the cafeteria, you should do this while walking with food.

What is walk carefully and avoid running


When talking to friends in the cafeteria, what is the best way to be polite?
A) Yell across the table to get their attention
B) Interrupt others when they’re speaking to make your point
C) Speak in a calm, respectful voice and listen when others are talking
D) Ignore everyone around you and focus only on your food  

C) Speak in a calm, respectful voice and listen when others are talking