Coming to Class
Getting Prepared for Class
Reading Groups
Treat others in the Classroom
Earn Money for Store
What is how I go to Mrs. Nugent's Classroom
Sign out a pencil from Mrs. Gonzalez
What is how I get a pencil when I need one
Read 2 times independently then one time as a group timed
What is how many times you read your reading fluency daily
Nice Job! Good Try!
What is using encouraging words/ nice words to each other
do my homework and turn it in to Mrs. Nugent
What is what I do at night to earn money for store
walking quietly with a zero voice in the hallway
What is the way I walk in the hallway on my way to Mrs. Nugent's Classroom
In my wallet from basket
What is where do I keep my money from group
How do I read out loud in group
What is read fluently sounding out unknown word
listen to the speaker when talking
What is how I show respect to other students when they are talking
Complete and turn in daily for money for store
What is what I do with my daily work given in the classroom
Knock 3 times and wait to be let into class
What is how I let Mrs. Nugent know I am at the door
Listen to directions given by teacher
What is how i follow directions in the classroom
Raise my hand
What is what I do when I have a question or want to speak
Take turns and stay on task together
What is how I work in a group
complete daily Math entry task
What is another way to earn money for store daily
Walking around the railing never jumping over or going through it
What is the proper way to walk up the ramp to Mrs. Nugent's Classroom
all four legs on the floor facing the table with hands on table or on my lap
What is how I sit at the table for group
use my finger to track and follow along when someone else is reading
What is what I need to do when someone else is reading
keeping hands and feet to self
What is how I sit in group next to others
Raising your hand and answering questions asked by teacher
What is another way to earn money towards weekly store
walking to my seat quietly and sitting down
What is how I walk into Mrs. Nugent's Classroom
On the white board labeled under Math or Reading/Writing
What is where I can find daily expectations for group
work cooperatively with my group to complete story worksheet
What is how do I complete worksheets given for story just read
Take a break, move away from others, tell the teacher
What is how I deal with others when I am mad or someone is treating me badly
40 dollars
What is the amount needed for each item to purchase in store