PBIS at Holmes
Expect Respect
Don't be Tardy for the Party (in class)
A ticket you earn for being safe, prepared, and respectful.
What is a feather?
Stop, Walk, Talk.
What is the name of the strategy we use when someone is disrespectful to us?
This behavior accounts for 50% of all minors reported for the year so far.
What is being late to class or tardy?
We have three school-wide expectations: Be Respectful, Be Safe, and Be ___________ .
What is Prepared?
When you are in the midst of a conflict situation, it is best to express yourself using these statements.
What are "I messages?"
7:50 am or when the second bell rings.
What is the time you should begin walking to your first period class?
An opportunity to turn in your Feathers to win a prize.
What is a PBIS raffle?
This involves listening to what the speaker has said and trying to understand the speaker's perspective.
What is active listening?
Minimize talking with your friends.
What is a strategy we can use to get to class on time?
A necessary item in the cafeteria, LMC, and in order to ride the bus.
What is a student ID card?
Messages that attack or blame the other person and can make a conflict situation worse.
What are "You messages?"
This shows your teachers that you respect them, respect what they do, and that you value learning.
What is being on time for class?
Bring your charged laptop to all of your classes, charge your laptop at home every night, and have only your earbuds and laptop in your case.
What are ways to "Be Prepared"?
Reflecting back the speaker's feelings, checking for understanding by asking questions, and maintaining good eye contact.
What are ways to be an active listener?
Group materials for morning classes together on the top shelf and afternoon classes on the bottom shelf of your locker.
What is one way to organize materials in our lockers so we can find what we need quickly and be on time to class?