
What is one way to be ready before going into the restroom?

Remain quiet and wait your turn


Your class is taking a restroom break. What is one way to be ready in the hallways?

What is face forward, stand on the blue line, and be quiet?


What is one way to be ready in the classroom?

What is remain in assigned area, be prepared and use materials appropriately, and enter and leave quietly?


What is one way to be ready in the cafeteria?

What is face forward, stand on the blue line, and be quiet in line?


What is one way to show you are ready at recess?

What is watch or listen to teacher for signals and walk away from problems and report UNSAFE BEHAVIOR?


Name one action that must take place after using the toilet.

What is wash hands, flush toilet, throw away all trash?


Why would it be important to go directly to your destination?

What is in case of an emergency, my teacher will know where to find me?


Why is it important to remain quiet during instruction? *while the teacher is teaching*

What is to help me learn and others learn?


Why is it important to keep your conversations at a reasonable volume during lunch?

What is so students can hear the adults if there is an emergency or an announcement?


Why is it important to use playground equipment properly?

What is ____?


You see someone throwing a napkin on the floor. They are not being what?

What is not being responsible.


You are in line by a group of classrooms. You see many students in line taking loudly. These kids are not showing what?

What is respect?


You notice that your friend dropped all of their belongings loudly on the floor on purpose. Your friend is not being?

What is not being ready?


You do not close your carton before throwing your tray away. You are not being what?

What is Responsible?


You notice a group of friends are playing tackle football. They are not being what?

What is not being responsible or respectful?

-responsible: not following safety rules

-respectful: keep your body to yourself


What are two ways to be respectful in the restroom?

What is respect the privacy of others and clean up after yourself.


What are two ways to be responsible in the hallways?

What is go directly to your destination, and use a hall pass?


You are about to start your test and forget your pencil in Mrs. Grantham's classroom. What are you not showing?

What is Responsibility

Name a behavior that shows you are ready to leave the lunchroom.

What is ____?


What are two ways to be respectful at recess?

What is show good sportsmanship and keep your body to yourself?


Name one way to be ready, one way to be responsible, and one way to be respectful in the restroom.

Be ready: wait your turn, and remain quiet at all times

Be responsible: Wash hands, flush toilet, and throw away all trash

Be respectful: Respect the privacy of others, and clean up after yourself


Name one way to be ready, one way to be responsible, and one way to be respectful in the hallways.

Be ready: face forward, stand on the blue line, and be quiet.

Be responsible: go directly to destination and use hall pass

Be respectful: keep your body to yourself and follow directions of all adults.


Name one way to be ready, one way to be responsible, and one way to be respectful in the classroom.

Be ready: remain in assigned area, be prepared and use materials appropriately, and enter and leave quietly.

Be responsible: Complete all assignments in a timely manner and keep your body to yourself

Be respectful: Remain quiet during instruction, use good manners, and follow directions of all adults


Name one way to be ready, one way to be responsible, and one way to be respectful in the cafeteria.

Be Ready: face forward, stand on the blue line, and be quiet in line

Be responsible: close carton and clean up after yourself

Be respectful: obey monitors and use food and silverware as intended


Name one way to be ready, one way to be responsible, and one way to be respectful at the recess.

Be ready: watch or listen to teacher for signals and walk away from problems and report UNSAFE BEHAVIOR

Be responsible: use playground equipment properly and follow safety rules

Be respectful: Use good sportsmanship and keep your body to yourself