Social Emotional Learning
The Classroom Check-Up
Tier 1 PBIS Practices
& Implementation
Problem-Solving Across Tiers

The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations.

What is Responsible Decision Making?


Most instructional time is lost due to having weak practices in this component of classroom structure.

What are transitions?


The school PBIS leadership team should identify roughly this many behavioral expectations that are specific to the needs of the culture in the school.

What is 3-5?


This tool is typically completed by teachers and includes observable student behaviors that may impact their success at school. 

What is a behavior screener?


One of the main assumptions of behavior change is that in order to change the child's behavior, you need to change _______.

What is the adult's (or teacher's) behavior?


The abilities to manage one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals and aspirations. 

What is Self-Management?


A common practice of meeting each student at the door using their preferred greeting is an example of this practice for improving classroom climate.

What is noncontingent attention?


It is often beneficial to include these stakeholders in the process of determining reward options.

Who are students?


The words represented by the TIPS acronym. 

What is Team Initiated Problem Solving?


Used to help make decisions about who may require Tier 2 or Tier 2 supports.

What is a data dashboard? (spreadsheet of universally available student-level Red Flag data)


The abilities to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.

What is Social Awareness?


When used in a coaching model, the CCU utilizes this method of working with the teacher.

What is motivational interviewing? 


Name at least 3 tools we can use to teach stakeholders about expectations.

What are posters, lessons, role plays, videos, bookmarks?


A tool that outlines how to respond to challenging behavior, including a hierarchy of predetermined, consistent consequences. 

What is a Reactive Plan? 


Three types of deficits that lead to SEB problems?  

What are acquisition deficits, fluency deficits, and performance deficits?


Two resources that may be used to help identify and select evidence-based SEL curricula and practices. 

What are the CASEL Program Guide and What Works Clearinghouse?  


The minimum ratio of positive to negative feedback according to CCU.

What is 3:1?


The gradual withdraw of reinforcers to have naturally occurring contingencies and/or intrinsic reinforcement maintain the behavior. 

What is "thinning" the reinforcement schedule?


The recommended focus of using a tool like the TFI when initially implementing SW-PBIS. 

What is strengthening Tier 1 efforts? 


Problems with team-based intervention planning when a structured problem-solving framework is not used (at least 2). 

What are too much time problem-admiring, a reactive rather than proactive focus, and long meetings? 


Positive outcomes associated with explicit SEL instruction (at least 3).

What are positive social behavior, fewer conduct problems, less emotional distress, and academic success? 


The components of Behavior Management in the CCU model (at least 4). 

Behavioral expectations, active supervision, use of praise, use of reprimands, +/- ratio, use of reinforcement


According to best practice, a SWPBIS reinforcement system should include a variety of reward options including these three examples.

What are tangible rewards (tickets, prizes), access to privileges or preferred activities (computer time), or social recognition (name announced at assembly)?


TIPS meeting foundations (at least 4).  

What are common purpose, structured agenda, predictable logistics, roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority?


Components of a intervention implementation plan (at least 4). 

What are intervention steps, plan for sharing with student, parents, other staff, who will teach replacement behaviors, start date, how/when fidelity and progress will be monitored?