What is a way to be prepared in the classroom?
A: Have all of your materials ready.
B: Get out of your seat to ask your teacher a question.
Have all of your materials ready.
What is a way to be respectful on the bus?
A. Switching seats while the bus is moving.
B. Follow bus rules.
Follow bus rules.
How can you be inclusive at recess?
A. Include others.
B. Tell someone they can't play with you.
Include others
An example would be to let others play tag with you.
What is a way you can be danger free in the hallway?
A. Cut through a line of students
B. Walk at all times
Walk at all times
How can you be engaged in the cafeteria?
A. Demonstrate appropriate behaviors
B. Keep eating when it is time to clean up
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors
How can you be prepared for dismissal?
A: Talk to your friends while you wait.
B: Eat your leftover lunch.
C: Gather your belongings.
Gather your belongings.
What is an example of being respectful in the restroom?
A. Playing with the hand dryer.
B. Respect school property.
C. Crawl under the stalls.
Respect school property.
How can you be inclusive in the hallway?
A. Be a good role model.
B. Run in the hallway.
C. Shove past smaller students.
Be a good role model.
How can you be danger free at recess?
A. Throw toys at other students
B. Run without looking where you are going
C. Use equipment properly
Use equipment properly
What is an example of being engaged in the hallway?
A. Choose kindness
B. Cut in front of other people
C. Stop and touch posters on the wall
Choose kindness
Mrs. Karoleski went into the cafeteria to eat with students. She ate one of Mrs. Heimberger's chicken nuggets. Is this an example of how to be prepared in the cafeteria? Please explain why or why not.
Being prepared means eating your own food.
What is one way to be respectful in the cafeteria?
Use kind language
Use manners.
Listen to adults.
Wait patiently in line.
Be honest.
How can you be inclusive in the classroom?
Complete your assignments.
Ask for help.
Help others when needed.
Be a good role model.
Mrs. Lemmon went to use the restroom. When she washed her hands, she splashed water all over the floor and didn't clean it up. Was she being danger free?
Keep water in the sink
What is an example of being engaged in the classroom?
Take pride in your work
Use encouraging words
Accept feedback
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors
Use your best effort
How can you be prepared at recess?
Make good choices.
Enter and exit in an orderly fashion.
Stay within boundaries.
Keep track of your belongings.
Mrs. Przystup went to visit Mrs. Quinn's class. She had a question, so she raised her hand and waited until Mrs. Quinn called on her. Was she being respectful in the classroom?
Yes! Remember to raise your hand and wait to speak.
What is a way to be inclusive in the cafeteria?
Help others clean up.
Be a good role model.
Use kind language.
How can you be danger free at dismissal?
Walking feet
Stay seated
Level 0/1 Voice
Stay in your line
Face forward
Mrs. Przystup went outside to take a turn on the swings. After a few minutes, she noticed a student who was waiting and let them take a turn. Was she being engaged?
Choose kindness
Give an example of how you can be prepared in the restroom.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Go flush, wash, leave.
What is an example of being respectful at recess?
Use kind language.
Share and take turns.
Be a good sport.
Be honest.
Mr. Crossley was helping at dismissal time. A new student asked which side his bus was on and Mr. Crossley ignored him. Was he being inclusive?
The expectation is to help others.
What is an example of being danger free in the cafeteria?
Level 1 voices
Touch only your own food
Use appropriate bubble space
Ask permission to leave seat
What would be an example of being engaged at dismissal?
Choose kindness
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors