90-95% of cases.
Multi-factional; gradual onset.
No identifiable cause.
What is Primary HTN?
Chronic pressure overload=L ventricular hypertrophy.
Valve dysfunction-HTN-BLOOD POOLING-inflammation-tissue damage.
What is the Pathophysiology of CVI?
A non-invasive test that compares Bps in the ankles vs. arms.
What is the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)?
Contraction of the heart chambers to pump blood.
What is Systole?
5-10% of cases.
Sudden onset.
Due to conditions or medications.
What is Secondary HTN?
Ischemic & hemorrhagic stroke, death.
What is Complications of HTN?
Caused by Atherosclerosis and inflammation.
NARROWING of arteries.
What is PAD?
ABI calculation.
What is:
Ankle Systolic Bp/Arm Systolic Bp.
Relaxation of the heart chambers to refill with blood.
What is Diastole?
Cushing's, kidney disease, NSAIDs, birth control, decongestants, obstructive sleep apnea.
Risk factors for Secondary HTN?
Increases HR and contractility.
What is the SNS?
Edema, varicose veins, hyperpigmentation, venous ulcers.
Pain improves with elevation.
What is CVI?
Normal range: 1-1.4.
PAD: <0.9.
What is ABI?
Pathway of blood flow.
What is R to L?
Vena cava-R atrium-R ventricle-pulmonary arteries-LUNGS-pulmonary veins-L atrium-L ventricle-AORTA-body tissues.
Obesity, increased salt intake, physical inactivity.
Risk factors for HTN?
Causes vasoconstriction & fluid retention.
What is RAAS?
Decreased blood flow to feet, pain in legs, poor wound healing, weak/absent pulses.
Pain worsens with activity.
What is PAD?
BNP & NT-proBNP values for HF.
What is:
>100 & >300?
Step 1.
Blood pushed into the ventricles.
What is Atrial Systole?
Diagnostic values; Stage 1 & 2.
What is:
>130/80 #1
>140/90 #2
Reduces extracellular volume-increases sodium & water excretion-increases GFR-binds & causes vasodilation-inhibits secretion of aldosterone.
What is ANP?
Prolonged sitting & pregnancy.
What are Risk Factors for CVI?
Fibrosis-loss of cardiomyocytes-altered myocyte shape.
What is Ventricular Remodeling?
Step 2.
Blood is pumped to the lungs & the body.
What is Ventricular Systole?