High School Diploma Requirements
Financial Aid
True or False

At Brownsburg High School, all students take _____ to earn a high school diploma?



What is the name of the government financial aid you can receive. 



Whats the best and often the easiest way to get money for college?

Working hard on your academics. A high GPA can get you merit based aid. 


True or False: 

Study hall is worth a credit in high school. 

False. Students use study hall to work on their assignments and study. It is not worth a credit.


3 B M  

3 Blind Mice


Fill in the blank: 

A student day is made up of ___ class periods.  Some students will take ___ classes.  Other students will take __ classes and a study hall

A student day is made up of 7 class periods.  Some students will take 7 classes.  Other students will take 6 classes and a study hall


Who should you speak to about looking for Merit based aid?

Your Counselor 


What is the cheapest way to get a bachelors degree?

Double Jeopardy. This question is worth 400 points. 

By going to a 2 year/Community college than transferring to a 4 year university to earn a bachelors. 


In a interview what should you use to introduce yourself?

30 sec commercial  


1000 Y in a M

1000 Years in a Millennium


How many credits do you need to graduate BHS?

Core 40 Diploma = 43 Total Credits


Whats the most common form of need based financial aid? How long do you have after your graduate from college til repayment start?

Typically 6 months. 


Which degree with eventually earn you more value to a company and money?

Associate degree
Professional Degree
Doctoral Degree

Professional Degree


When making a Cover letter Step 1 is to select a template and personalize the information. 


13 I A BD

13 In A Baker's Dozen


At the end of freshman year, students who pass their classes will have between ___ – ___ credits.

At the end of freshman year, students who pass their classes will have between 12 – 14 credits.


Whats the difference between Need Based Aid and Merit Based Aid?

Triple Jeopardy!
This question is worth 1200 points! So be specific. 

•Merit-based aid
This type of financial aid is based upon the achievements and academic performance of the student. The most common form of merit-based aid is scholarships that are awarded through the school or private institutions.

•Need-based aid
This form of financial aid solely takes into account the ability of you and your family to pay the cost of college tuition. You can receive need-based financial aid through both private and federal student loans and grants.


Which school has a higher in-state tuition: Indiana University, Purdue University, or IUPUI?

Esitmated Cost of Attendance

IU - Tuition and fees $11,220 

Purdue - Tuition/Fees $9,992 

IUPUI - Tuition and fees$9,464 


You only take Advance Athletic Development for PE during your off season. This way you can develop your skills. 

False. Its only during your Competition Season. Otherwise, you will take PE 1 and PE 2


206 B I T H B

206 Bones In The Human Body


How many English/Language Art credits are required for your Core 40 Diploma?

9 Credits


What should be your very last resort when considering need based financial aid?

Taking our a personal loan.

Personal loans usually have higher interest rates


Describe Federal Student Loan Forgiveness

Triple Jeopardy. This question is worth 1500 points

Federal assistance program that will forgive your loan balance after making a certain amount of on-time payments. 

For example, if you make 10 years worth of on-time payments the government will forgive your remaining balance. 


An Academic Honors Diploma requires 47 credits.



Triple Jeopardy! Worth 1500 pts
(Hint: Your Teacher)


Mr Crider Has 2 Daughters