Big Deal vs Little Deal
Taking Someone Else's Perspective
Negotiation and Compromise Role Play
What a flexible vs rigid thinker might say
Questions vs Comments

We have to go to online learning. Again!

Little Deal


To take someone else's perspective means:

-To consider something from someone else’s point of view 

- To pretend you are the other person and understand why they are feeling about something the way they are feeling 

Name an idiom that you use in Ms. Bacon's class that means the same thing

-To look at something through someone else’s eyes 

- To put yourself in someone else’s shoes 


You want to have a puppy, but your sister wants a kitten.

Warning: No points if you say " we can have both"

Role play to negotiate and come up with a compromise


I am able to go with the flow

Flexible Thinker 


Is this a question or a comment:

I like Spider Man



We have to wear masks for another 6 months.

Little Deal


These are questions to ask yourself:

-What does the other person see/know?

- How would I feel if I were this person?

Situation: Ms. Bacon asked you to work on your assignment but you started talking to your friend instead. What might Ms. Bacon be thinking and feeling?

After the team responds, let's ask Ms. Bacon if they correctly put themselves in her shoes.


You want pepperoni pizza but your brother wants cheese pizza.

Role play to negotiate and come up with a compromise


I can think of more than one way to solve a problem

Flexible Thinker


Is this a question or a comment:

Will you show me how to do that



Your team gets the wrong answer playing Jeopardy

Little Deal


These are questions to ask yourself:

-What does the other person see/know?

- How would I feel if I were this person?

Roxanne is excited that she gets to leave work in 5-minutes but her boss asks her to stay and work for another hour. What might Roxanne be thinking and feeling?

Team will put themselves in Roxanne's shoes and answer.

Check with Roxanne to see if it's accurate.


You want to watch a romantic comedy but your friend wants to watch an action movie.

No points if you say "We can watch both"

Role play to negotiate and come up with a compromise


I lose control when things change.

Rigid Thinker


Is this a question or a comment:

How long is this going to last



You have to move to a new city and go to a new school.

Big Deal


These are questions to ask yourself:

-What does the other person see/know?

- How would I feel if I were this person?

Taryn and Olivia want to hang out together on a Friday night. Taryn wants to watch a movie but Olivia wants to draw dolphins.What are Taryn and Olivia thinking and feeling?

Team puts themselves in Taryn's and Olivia's shoes.

Check with Taryn and Olivia to see if they're accurate.


Your mom says it’s bedtime, but you want to stay up one more hour.

Role play to negotiate and come up with a compromise.


I would prefer to be at school with my friends but I can deal with the change to going online when I need to.

Flexible Thinker


Is this a question or a comment:

I like P.E.



A hurricane, or tornado, or earthquake, or fire, or blizzard.

Big Deal


These are questions to ask yourself:

-What does the other person see/know?

- How would I feel if I were this person?

Ms. Bacon asks Jasmine to sing a song at the beginning of class. What might Jasmine be thinking and feeling?

Team will put themselves in Jasmine's shoes to answer the question.

Check in with Jasmine to see if it's accurate.


You want to paint your living room yellow but your roommate wants to paint it blue.

Role play to negotiate and come up with a compromise.


If you don't do it my way, I'll yell and push things off the table!

Rigid Thinker


Is this a question or a comment:

Why is your hair purple
