What is the name of the document that serves as a guide for both the patient and the providers involved in their care?
What is the Patient Care Partnership.
Laws are rules of conduct made by whom?
Who is a governing body.
Name the 9 intentional torts or wrongs.
What is defamation, Liable, Slander, Invasion of Privacy, Fraud, Assault, Battery, Lack of Informed Consent, and abandonment
violating a person's right not to have his or her private affairs exposed is known as ___.
What is Invasion of Privacy.
If a PCT starts an IV on a patient without their consent they could be charged with ______ and ______.
What is assault and battery.
PCTs can give basic nursing care under the supervision of what personnel?
What is a Licensed Nurse (LVN/LPN or RN)
define "Tort"
What is a wrong committed against a person or their property.
Injuring a person's name and/or reputation by making a false statement to a third person is known as ____.
What is Defamation.
Intentionally attempting to touch or threaten a person's body without their consent is known as___.
What is Assault.
Civil actions are known to be a dispute between what 2 people.
me against you.
What is the name of the document that guides the practice of nursing and which PCT work under as well.
What is the Nurse Practice Act.
Torts can be classified as_______ or _______.
What is intentional or unintentional
Making a false statement orally is ___.
What is Slander.
Touching a person's body without their consent is known as _____.
What is battery.
Criminal actions are noted between what two categories.
What is me against the public.
Ethics is known as the knowledge of _____?
What is right and wrong conduct.
An unintentional wrong or tort is known as?
What is negligence.
Saying or doing something to trick, fool, or deceive a person is _____.
What is Fraud.
When a patient clearly understands a procedure, what is to be done, what their options are, and had an opportunity to have all of their questions answered it is known as _______ _________.
What is informed consent.
The punishment for civil actions is ____.
What is paying restitution.
How often do PCTs have to renew their certification and does it require continuing education, if so how much?
What is every 2 years, with fees and 10 hours of continuing education.
negligence by a health professional is known as?
What is malpractice.
Making a false statement in print, writing or through pictures is known as _____.
What is Liable.
A provider who withdraws from the care of a patient without reasonable notice of discharge is known to be ______ the patient.
What is abandoning.
The punishment for criminal actions is ______.
What is Prison.