the percentage of the Atmosphere that is composed of nitrogen and oxygen.
What is 99 percent.
The Atmosphere include these 5 Layers.
What is The Troposphere, the Stratosphere, the Mesosphere, the Thermosphere and the Exosphere?
The scales that temperature is usually measured in?
What is The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales?
The amount of water vapor in the Atmosphere at a given location on Earth's surface.
What is humidity?
All forms of water that fall from clouds to the ground are called this.
What is Precipitation?
The invisible, gaseous form of water?
What is Water Vapor
The layer closest to Earth's surface.
What is the Troposphere?
The feature in the Atmosphere that is equal to force and causes wind.
What is Pressure?
This occurs when the amount of water vapor in a volume of air has reached the maximum amount?
What is Saturation?
The primary process responsible for the formation of precipitation.
What is Condensation?
The variable gas that currently makes up about 0.039 percent of the Atmosphere
What is Carbon Dioxide?
The layer of the Atmosphere that has the characteristic where the air temperature mainly increases with altitude and contains the Ozone Layer.
What is the Stratosphere?
These three featured characteristics of the Atmosphere are inter-related, meaning as one goes up the others will go up or down.
What is Pressure-Temperature-Density?
The amount of water vapor in a volume of air relative to the amount of water vapor needed for the volume of air to reach saturation.
What is Relative Humidity?
Precipitation forms when water vapor coalesces around this.
What is dust? (or particles)?
The most Atmospheric ozone is found here.
What is the Ozone Layer?
The layer that exists above the Stratopause is called this.
What is the Mesosphere?
The increase in temperature with height in an Atmospheric layer.
What is a Temperature Inversion?
The extra thermal energy contained in water vapor compared to liquid water that must be released to change states.
What is Latent Heat?
The object that ice pellets form when they fall to the ground.
What is Sleet?
The 3 main Atmospheric particles?
What is Dust, salt and ice?
The layer that exists between the Mesosphere and the Exosphere.
What is The Thermosphere?
Wind is constantly slowed down by this force near Earth's surface.
What is Friction?
This physical property changes with temperature so that it can hold more or less particles as it is heated or cooled.
What is Air Density?
The estimated percentage of water that is in the oceans.
What is 97 percent?