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Does PDC offer every other week therapy service scheduling?

PDC offers weekly appointments only. Families who require an alternating week schedule can be offered accommodation through our Flexible Scheduling Program


What is one of the negative outcomes from a therapist not adhering to documentation deadlines?

Late documentation can result in parents receiving unexpectedly high invoices from PDC and can lead to an interruption in services.


A parent is unable to attend your session. What information about the session can you share with them at the exit door or waiting room at the end of the session?

"Because I respect your privacy, I cannot speak with you here about your child’s care. Please meet me in the _____ 5 minutes before the end of your child’s session so we can talk more freely."


What are the communication steps when a client cancels?

Whoever first speaks to the client regarding the cancellation (CCA or Therapist) is in charge of initiating communication. Cancelations must be communicated immediately to the CCA team, the treating therapist, and the Therapy Coordinator via email/gchat.


Care networking on the behalf of the child is one of the golden nuggets of private practice. Who must approve an outside observation request?

Observation requests must be pre-approved by the family, treating therapist, and the Therapy Coordinator


A family arrives late for pick up from your session again after the first warning. What happens next?

They are required to stay present through the session.


You are evaluating a client who has been on the waitlist for a while. What should you make sure to include in the evaluation and report to best help the family?

Ideas to begin implementing immediately at home.


What does it mean to be a therapist in Good Standing?

Therapists achieve a rating of Good Standing by consistently meeting minimum billable targets and documentation deadlines, demonstrating admirable office conduct by following PDC policies and procedures, helping others do the same, and striving to master the Four Elements of Success in Private Practice.


What is the procedure for completing an Incident Report Form?

Go to PDC Team Drive - Employee Incident Reports - 2025 Incident Reports Folder and +New Incident Report Template. 

Type into the form, re-title, electronically sign, and upload to Fusion chart.

Send an email to Front Office Manager, child’s other therapists, and your TC with link to the document.


Describe what is included in the Right Fit Level 1 plan for addressing difficult client behaviors in your session.

-Parent is involved in session strategy planning

-Parent joins session and has a specific role during the session determined at a pre-session meeting with TC and therapists

-Modifications to room set up and place of treatment 

-Co-treat with OT and speech OR therapist and TC

-Clinic entry and exit strategy

-Collaborate with BCBA or school team regarding behavior plans that may already be implemented


Describe PDC's cancellation policy.

Three missed appointments within a 90 day period - including, no shows, canceled or rescheduled appointments, or arriving more than 5/10 minutes late to an appointment - will result in the loss of that appointment time slot. In those situations, a quick discharge can be done.

It is, in part, the therapist’s responsibility to monitor client cancellation frequency and to notify their client care coordinator and client care supervisor when a client has reached or is approaching this level so that they can notify the family.


A family shows up to the clinic for a session at the wrong time. It is unclear where the miscommunication happened. Considering the situation from the client's perspective, what should PDC try to make happen?

Accommodate the family if there is a therapist not with a client at that time, even if for a short session to give the therapist time to review the file and prepare.


What does it mean to be a CCA in good standing?

Meeting minimum targets for collections of patient responsibility, appointment scheduling targets, demonstrating admirable office conduct by following PDC policies and procedures, helping others do the same, and striving to master the Four Elements of Success in Private Practice.


Please explain the difference between Flex Time and Make-Up Time.

Flex Time: The Pediatric Development Center allows speech and occupational therapists in Good Standing to make up a half or full day of missed work on a non-regular workday instead of using PTO. Flex Time is for a single half-day or full day and cannot be used in combination with PTO or Leave Without Pay to extend time away from the office

Make-Up Time: PDC allows employees to make up the hours missed as long as the absence amounts to less than half their regularly scheduled work day. Employees are eligible for make-up time if they obtain prior written approval from their supervisor.


Explain how late documentation impacts a family's access to care.

Progress Notes and Evaluations are our clients’ “ticket” to access services. Preauthorization from insurance companies and physician referrals hinge on these reports. Without them, children do not get access to care.


What is PDC's policy on sharing information about the session with caregivers other than parents?

Parents sign that when children are accompanied to sessions by an adult other than a parent, the accompanying adult agrees to PDC’s privacy regulations stated in these documents, and the parents are willing for the therapist to share information about the session with the accompanying adult unless the parent specifically asks the therapist not to in writing prior to the session.


A therapist is on their phone during a session to check Fusion to see if the child is scheduled for a back to back session or she should bring the child to the exit door. A nearby parent is watching. What is one strategy the therapist could use to positively alter the image of the situation?

-Establish the habit to check the child's therapy schedule prior to the session

-Verbalize out loud what you are doing on your phone

-Ask for help from a coworker without a child

(answers may vary)


Please provide three examples of what it means to be "present but not engaged" in a therapy session.

-Talking to a coworker

-Not including present parents in the session

-Looking at phone

(answers may vary)


What are the new documentation deadlines?

Daily Notes: Morning Appts - end of day; Afternoon Appts - 9am next day

Progress Notes: Before it turns red in the Fusion list

Evaluations: 10 days from day of eval


What is the best way to schedule documentation time?

Best practice is to place documentation times on your calendar only once your day is nearly filled in with clients. 

Documentation time may be replaced with session time (make-ups, 1x sessions, evaluation) by the front office if the therapist is not in compliance with billable hour requirements. Recurring clients will not be scheduled in documentation spots without a discussion between management and the therapist.


What is PDC's remote work policy?

A standard work schedule, comparable to that in the office, must be worked. An employee working remotely is expected during agreed upon work times to have as his or her sole focus work for PDC, and no other activities, such as childcare, freelance work, home renovation, etc.

Productivity from the remote location must be equivalent to in-office performance (measures of productivity to be documented in writing by the employee’s supervisor).


A parent is encouraged to join their child in therapy sessions, however is not given an active role in the session and sits on a chair by the wall the whole time. Please explain the missed opportunity in this situation.

Present but not engaged is a wasted opportunity.

Name two ways to increase parent involvement in the therapy process.

-Encouraging active parent participation in therapy activity

-Providing homework at the end of each session

-Point of service progress note sessions with parent to review and update goals together

(answers may vary)


What are the privileges of remaining in Good Standing?

Eligiblity for experience-based compensation adjustments upon anniversary dates

Eligibility for promotions when opportunities arise

Participation in Flex Time option in accordance with the guidelines in the Employee Handbook

Ability to borrow up to 40 hours of PTO per year.

CEU Reimbursement

4-day schedule, if desired - moving schedule must follow guidelines in the Employee Handbook

Ability to block schedule for documentation time

Supervising a student or Clinical Fellow - extra compensation opportunities

Consideration for PTO approval when multiple teammates request same timeframe

Eligibility to work overtime when opportunities arise (hourly employees only)


What are two strategies to help a family receive their recommended therapy frequency when the schedule does not allow for it?

-Ask the family if you can add them to your 1x cancellation list

-Inform parents of flex scheduling options for 2nd or 3rd session

-Work with the therapy team to see who else may have openings

-Help parents get set up with the discipline (OT/ST) they are not yet receiving if appropriate for the child.

(answers may vary)