Enlisted History
Personnel Prgms
Fit Force
Enlisted Eval Sys
The position of the first person on the 55 most wanted leaders list issued by the coalition during Operation Iraqi Freedom to surrender.
Who is Iraqi's science advisor?
Only a SNCO can hold this enlisted position.
What is a squadron superintendent?
The service retainability requirement for a CONUS to CONUS PCS reguardless of career status.
What is 24 months
The maximum allowed points for the aerobic portion of the fitness test.
What is 50 points?
They complete section VI on the Enlisted Perfomance Report.
Who is the additional rater?
They were posthumously awarded the AF Cross for saving the lives of his entire rescue team by engaging and destroying the first enemy position and advancing to the second during the 17-hour battle of Operation Anaconda.
Who is TSgt John A. Chapman
Individuals in this rank are transitioning from technical experts and first-line supervisors to operational leaders.
What is a MSgt?
With the exception of SrA to SSgt after 6 mths TIG, an individual my not promote under any combination of promotion programs before this period of time.
What is 12 months?
All fitness test componenets must be completed on the same day or within ______ days.
What is 5 duty days?
These are the Primary/Additional Duties in section IV of the AF Form 931 only factors for SSgt and TSgt.
What is supervisory, leadership and technical ability?
The NCO who shot down two MiGs on 12 April 1951, a feat unmatched by any other gunner.
Who is Sgt Billie Beach?
Resident NCOA completion is required for this rank.
What is MSgt?
Under CAREERS, FTA are not allowed to retrain until this many months into their enlistment.
What is 35 months?
The principle of _________ means you strengthen the muscles used for a certain task by performing resistance movements as similar to the task as possible.
What is specificity?
The rater's main goal when completing AF Form 931.
What is developing the ratee?
This called for an air of arm of 16,000 enlisted men and established the basic grade structure the Air Force uses today.
What is the National Defense Act of 1920?
Seniority is determined by these factors in this order within the enlisted structure of the same rank.
What is DOR, TAFMSD, pay date, DOB?
They are the SRP appeal authority for second-term and career airmen who will complete fewer than 16 years of TAFMS on their current ETS.
Who is their respective wing commander?
This policy is utilized to prevent and eliminate this from the DoD.
What is the policy on drug and alchohol abuse and dependence?
When the subsequent evaluator gives additional referral rating or comment, this happens to the EPR.
What is referred more than once?
A mechanic who was the first enlisted person to die in a military aircraft accident.
Who is Cpl Frank Scott?
This CMSAF entered the AF as a ground operator, was the youngest 7-lvl in his career field, and implemented the First Sgt of the Yr program AF-wide.
Who is Sam E. Parish?
This program increases a service member's BAS to remove his or her household from eligibility for the U.S. Dept of Agriculture Food Stamp Program.
What is the Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) program?
Medical personnel do not notify the unit commander and ADAPTPM when a member...
What is admits to having previous substance abuse issues?
On the AF Form 910 or 911, the five possible ratings are found in this section and are...
What is Section V, Overall Performance Assessment and are poor, needs improvement, average, above average, and truly among the best?