Core 1
Core 2
First Aid
Fitness Choices

What are the determinants of health?

individual, sociocultural, socioeconomic, environmental

This is the order of bones in the vertebral column from superior to inferior.
cervical, thoracic, lumbar

What does the anagram DRABCD stand for?

d - check for danger - self, casualty and bystanders R - check - is casualty responding (level of consciousness) A - check airway open & clear and check for signs of life (conscious or unconscious, responsive/unresponsive, moving/not moving, breathing/not breathing) B - check breathing 10 seconds, look , listen feel for breathing - not breathing 2 rescue breaths C - compressions - no signs of life - 30 chest compressions immediately D - defibrillation - use of available 1 person send for help after R, 2 person instruct send for help immediately.


List 5 individual fitness activities

Yoga, pilates, tai chi, running, swimming, cycling, personal training, weight training, self-defense classes, surfing, kayaking


How many Year 11 students at OPAC are studying the Year 11 PDHPE course?

41 students out of 60


Name 2 of the 3 health promotion approaches

Lifestyle and behavioural approach, Preventative medical approaches, Public health approaches

The muscles that contract and relax to work in pairs in order to produce movement.
agonist and antagonist

When and why do you use the STOP regime?

After DRABC and before whole body assessment - to diagnose minor injuries so whole body assessment more accurate.


3 Settings for Exercise & 2 questions to help evaluate the setting

Settings: Home, Community Facilities, Fitness Centres, Exercise Clubs, Cultural Groups

Questions: Does it suit my needs? Could I continue to participate in this activity? Are there other more suitable activities?


How many marks are there in the PDHPE exam and how long do you have to complete it?

90 marks

120 minutes + 5 minutes reading time


The Ottowa Charter for health promotion recognises a number of essential actions to improve health and create greater equality in health. What are they?

1) Developing personal skills 

2) Creating supportive environments 

3) Strengthening community actions 

4) reorienting health services 

5) building health and public policy.

What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance? and name a test for this
a measure of the ability of a person's lungs, heart and blood vessels to supply oxygen to the working body Beep test

How to manage dislodged tooth?

Dislodged tooth - tooth loosed - keep in place & seek urgent dental advice, disloged, - re-implant and splint to adjacent tooth with aluminium foil or if can't, place tooth in milk or clean with casualties own saliva and seek urgent dental help (avoid handling root of tooth)


2 Benefits and 2 drawbacks of group fitness activities

Benefits - Helps stay motivated due to obligation to group - provides structure and organisation without you doing the planning - social benefits - easier to access support and advice about fitness - build team skills -  

Drawbacks - not as flexible as individual fitness activities - set times and set places - team sports can be expensive (affiliation fees, registrations and uniforms), gym memberships can be expensive - can be less time effective


Write 3 strategies that you can employ to study for the PDHPE exam

Study timetable

Syllabus Summary Notes

Practice Exam Questions

Asking for help


What is the reorienting of health services?

Focus and delivery of health services has moved away from traditional aspects of health: diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. It has reoriented to focus on the well being of the whole person: prevention of ill health, promoting health and supporting well being

The process to follow for developing and improving aerobic fitness.
FITT Principle Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type

Symptoms and management of shock

Shock - paleness, cold, clammy skin, weak rapid pulse, rapid shallow breathing, nausea and faintness Management of shock DRABCD, reassure, seek medical advice, raise legs above level of heart (no fracture/dislocation), dress wounds/burns, loosen restrictive clothing, keep comfortable, NIL by mouth


List 2 promotional techniques fitness centres use to promote their centre. List 2 ways you can determine the accuracy of the information.

Advertisements in magazines/newpaper, TV Marketing techniques e.g. limited offer memberships, free present when join, use testimonials, quote scientific evidence, catchy slogans - investigate centre using Fitness NSW - Report misleading advertisements to Office of Fair Trading - Do thorough research before joining - is member of Fitness NSW, what programs are available, any extra fees, what is standard of facility, payment options ...


Out of all the Cores and Options for Preliminary PDHPE, which area is Mr Cranston's favourite?

Specify unit and focus question

Core 2 Body in Motion

Focus Question 3: How do biomechanical principles influence movement?


How does the influence of sociocultural determinants change over time?

Sociocultural influences such as family, peers, media, culture and religion will change over time. As a child, the family has a greater influence over health. As a teenager to adult, the level of peer influence and media becomes greater as well as cultural and religious beliefs.

What are immediate responses to training?
Increase in stroke volume, cardiac output, heart rate and ventilation rate

What preventive actions should first aider take to limit potential infection transferral

- use disposable plastic gloves - cover sores, grazes, cuts of any nature - first aider and casualty - cover face of unconscious person with face mask before administering CPR - wash hands and surfaces of body that have made contact with casualty with soap and warm water ASAP after contact - clean up blood spills with bleach and water.


List 4 barriers and 1 suggestion of how to overcome.


Access to Facilities

Convenience of use


Feelings about Fitness and Exercise

Exercise as a priority

Influence of other responsibilities


Name the Australian team's nickname: 

- Women's basketball 

- Mens Rugby Union 

- Women's hockey 

- Mens waterpolo

- Women's basketball = Opals

- Mens Rugby Union = Wallabies

- Women's hockey = Hockeyroos

- Mens waterpolo = Sharks