Vinay's go-to alcohol?
Natalie thinks raccoons are: friend or foe?
"Friend!" - Natalie
Split between Halloween and Thanksgiving
Rishita lives in this Canadian city
Brampton (near Toronto)
What was Lila detained for (as a youth)? *not arrested
Trespassing and public destruction of property
Vinay’s dad’s job is...
“My dad makes drugs” - Vinay
Natalie's favorite holiday
"Halloween - I love the aesthetic & it was a big deal in the neighborhood I grew up in. Tons of people would drive in just to trick or treat there, all the houses went all out, and the candy haul would last forever."
Two things Korey's kids are obsessed with
Mario, Whose Line is it Anyways, Playdates, Happy Meals, Minnie Mouse
Who used to enjoy watching open heart surgeries on TV as a child - Lindsay or Lila?
Vinay’s preferred bribe at work is
A mechanical keyboard (preferably a split one)
If Natalie had to choose one animal to help her win a fight, which animal would she choose?
(Options: Tiger, Shark, Cockroach, Dragon, Cat)
Korey's go to drink
Miller Lite
Rishita's choice of bribe (hint: it's food related)
Lindsay injured her ankle doing this activity in San Francisco
Skateboarding on an SF hill
Vinay danced on this TV show
America’s Got Talent
Natalie's favorite video game
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Diet Dr Pepper
" - Its creepy"
What is both Lindsay and Lila's go to alcohol?
Vinay’s family adopted a dog Maddie (name is contested), a great pyrenees / husky mix. What was the name of the adoption center where they got her from? (Hint: it’s acronyms are BFD)
Big Fluffy Dogs
Natalie has a lot of shoes because...
"My feet are a full shoe size different, so I have to buy two pairs every time so they fit correctly" - Natalie
Name of the town Korey lives in
Maple Park
Rishita was born in this city (hint: it was India's capital between 1773 and 1911)
Lindsay knows this exotique dance
Belly Dancing